Legendary Olympian Swims a Lap With a Glass of...
- The Olympics are filled with skills that a normie like...
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No One Can Tell If Driver Got Hit or Nutted on in Clip...
- What’s the difference between getting a facial and...
Guy Padlocks His Milk to Prevent His Coworkers From...
- Office thievery is the eighth deadly sin, and...
Lindsay Lohan Jumps on TikTok’s Grossest New Food...
- Lohan’s cheeky clip comes days after several people...
Elementary School Accidentally Serves Kids Floor...
- An elementary school messed up in one of the worst...
21 Examples of Quotes and Predictions Falling Flat
- Some things that aged like warm milk.
25 Things That Scream "Red Flag"
- Sometimes people doing something suspicious while...
25 Regrettable Places Men Have Stuck Their Manhood
- Growing up is different for every boy. But there is...
Clout Chasers Ruin Dude's Day Just For Views
- Just trashy TikTok-ers doing what they do best/worst.
This is How The Milk Industry Lied To The World
- We’re told that milk is important for a strong...
Dude Devises Plot to Catch Lactose-Intolerant Roommate...
- Some people just have to learn the hard way.
Local Reporter Turns into Bill Burr During Segment...
- Wow, I guess cows can make 2 kinds of milk.
Dog Wants to Do Way More Than Just Drink Milk from...
- The "Dog Bowl Mouth Challenge" only had one submission...
Vegans Protest People Buying Milk In Walmart And Get...
- Customers were pissing off these Vegans as they...
The Best Tormund Giantsbane Memes from Game of Thrones...
- He told one of the best stories of the whole series...
Hilarious Video Exposes the Nut Milk Industry
- I'm sure everyone here knows how to milk their nuts.
Hilarious Video Exposes the Nut Milk Industry
- I'm sure everyone here knows how to milk their nuts.
Vegan Activist Folds When His Violent Past Is Brought...
- Vegan activist Joey Carbstrong and celebrity chef...
Jerks Act Like They Didn't Just Steal a Cake
- The time an innocent cake caused an uproar of rudeness.
35 Weird Pics That Will Make You Say WTF?
- Pics that range from slightly odd to downright bizarre.
Woman Donates 14 Gallons of Breast Milk from Her...
- And there's more where that came from.
Extreme Dad Takes A Tumble Over The Cliffs
Students Complain About This "Milk" But The School...
- They expect these poor kids to drink that disgusting ...
Watch What Happens To This Guy After Chugging Milk
- Holy crap, I did NOT see that coming!
Ukrainian Dukes Of Hazzard
- A truck gets some air, and the driver probably gives...
Lumberjack Rescues A Black Bear
- Quick thinking and skill with the claw saved this...
Glock Rainbow Milk Trick
- Ever wondered what would happen if you combined a...
CCTV Captures Woman "Refilling" Milk
- She is caught using breast milk to replace what she...
CCTV Captures Woman "Refilling" Milk
- She is caught using breast milk to replace what she...
Adorable Kitten Wiggles Ears While Drinking
- That's the cutest thing, it's awwwwedorable!
Guy Breaks His Jaw While Gallon Smashing
- During a "prank", this genius smashes more than just...
Kitty Trying To Drink Milk
- That isn't how you drink milk kitty, you're doing it...
Employee Asked To Get Rid of Milk Duds
- You had one job!
This Cat Really Loves Milk
- Abba the cat nom nom noms...
Wife's Surprise Birthday Cake
- More to this cake than meets the eye... literally.
Canadians "Infesting" American Costco
- Some are calling for "American Only" hours...Yup,...
Sprinter Suffers Horrific Knee Injury
- GRAPHIC: Not for the squeamish!
Milk In My Sippy Cup!
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