24 Tweets and Reactions to the New Wooly Mice
- Next up: sabertooth squirrels.
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Loose Mouse Causes Airport to Freak Out
- Stay cool, everybody; I promise that mouse isn’t...
'You’ve Got Mice Running Around Here': Woman Has...
- Any time you're eating at a new restaurant you have to...
New Mouse Game Might be the Next Stray
- The Jerry to Stray's Tom is in the making.
25 Insane Facts About Mickey Mouse
- Mickey Mouse is perhaps the world's most recognizable...
17 Dark Facts to Frighten Your Friends
- They say "knowledge is power." Sometimes, though, that...
23 People Who Lack Basic Computer Skills
- You may not think it's impressive that you're reading...
Pitcher Plant Absolutely Devours Rodent, Leaves Crumbs...
- These pitcher plants in California have the ability to...
Suicidal Mouse Jumps into Deep Fryer at Whataburger in...
- Ok, who ordered the Mickey special, extra crispy?
11 Awesome Animal Gif to Make You Go Awww
- Dogs are a man's best friend, they also provide hours...
Hornet Attack is Not for the Faint of Heart
- Nature, you're scary.
A Florida Cop Caught On CCTV Running Away From A...
- So you're telling me that this guy's job it is to...
1000 Mouse Trap REVENGE Prank On Boyfriend
- Jen has been putting up with months of pranks, now...
The Coolest Way To Open A Bottle Of Beer Ever
- **Warning: Some users might find this disturbing**
A Scientist, Athlete, And Sumo Wrestler Test a Human...
- I guess you could say (puts on shades) That's a sticky...
18 Random Yet Interesting Facts
- Random pieces of information to satisfy your curiosity.
Worst Possible Way To Be Woken Up
- He must have cheated in his dreams.
22 Strange Pics You Won't Soon Forget
- A fresh batch of glorious gems from across the web.
Little Girl Adorably Dances Around In LED Costume
- The next level in costume design!
Kid Goes Beast Mode On Mickey Mouse
- This five year old said forget the stick and treats...
Cadet Releases Mouse Into the Wild
- No good deed goes unpunished. Wait for it...
Kinect Sensors Will Replace Your Mouse
- Kinect reconstructs a finger-precise representation of...
DMCA - Stunning Mouse Chase Through the Desert
- Will she make it? Music by Radiohead.
Panther Takes Finger
- Ever seen the 'don't feed the animals' sign? Now you...
Cuteness for the Day
- Cute, Awww, and Just to make you smile.
Guy Finds Mouse in Monster Can
- and sues Monster...
Mouse Offically Beats Obstacle Course
- Well, Either The Most Useless Thing Ever, Or The...
- Never Venture Into The Dark Cavern... NEVER!
Disney-Marvel-Pixar Movies in the Making
- Now that Disney owns Marvel we can expect a great...
Luckiest Mouse in the Whole World!
- If they had Mouse Lottery this little guy should...
Fox Snow Faceplant
- But worth it to catch a mouse.
Mouse Playing Dead
- lol this mouse is playing possium
Kitty Whack-a-Mouse
- This looks like a fun game for you and your pet!
Mouse Ant Farm
- I couldn't imagine finding this infestation!
Feeding Time
- Bass versus mouse, but the bass has home field...
Mice Swarm
- This is just disgusting, how can anyone live around...
- Jump around and eat cheese. A great time waster.
Matrix Mouse
- This mouse has moves that would put Neo to shame...
Spider Vs. Mouse
- Spider eats a mouse
Rodent Swallowing
- Not sure what the fascination with swallowing animals...
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