Halo Infinite's 'Baby Warthog' Glitch is Cracking...
- 343 Industries has yet to acknowledge the Baby Warthog...
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Gamers React to Halo Infinite Battle Pass: Great Game,...
- Multiplayer's gameplay is f**king awesome. The Battle...
Achieving New Heights: The Best Vantage Points In...
- The popularity of free roam games is on top of the...
The 20 Most Impressive Speedruns of All Time
- Can you imagine putting in hours and hours replaying a...
One Star Reviews: WWE 2K20 Is So Damn Bad
- WWE’s wrestling games in the last decade have not...
Why the Kids Really Love Fortnite
- Fortnite is one of the most popular games in the...
How Minecraft Forever Changed Gaming
- What is the most revolutionary video game ever...
Why Gamer Culture Was So Much Cooler Back In the ’90s
- For better or for worse, gaming culture will outlive...
15 Classic Multiplayer Games Kept Alive By Fans
- There are few things quite as fun as multiplayer...
30 Games With The Lowest User Scores On Metacritic
- Living in the internet age has given us the ability to...
15 Protagonists Who Are Actually Children
- Over the last forty years, gamers worldwide have got a...
Our Top 15 Female Protagonists Of All Time
- In the last four decades of gaming, there have been...
12 Twisted Games That Never Should Have Been Released
- *Warning: Disturbing Themes* Sexual themes and...
15 Crazy Expensive and Useless Micro-transactions
- Firstly, let's conclude that Micro-transactions aren't...
14 Wrestlers Born to Play Video Game Characters
- Most pro wrestlers are already 'characters' in their...
The Current Ten Most Popular Games in the World
- We're not saying these are the greatest games or ones...
Why Is 'Cyberpunk 2077' Multiplayer Not Being Made...
- If you were hoping for a "GTA Online" replacement,...
Creepy Guy Playing Overwatch Trying To Talk To A Girl...
- Ugh. This must be what it's like for women to play...
She Totally Wants Me - Black Ops 2 Reactions
- Girls can't stop flirting with Weregonnalose!
Zombie Apocalipse
- multiplayer zombie massacre
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