Southwest Flight Nearly Crashes Into Private Jet at...
- Ahh shit, here we go again.
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Black Liquid Starts Raining From the Ceiling at Austin...
- I don’t think this is a good sign.
Dude Jumps Off Building Straight Into Power Line
- If this man didn’t have super powers before, he...
Woman Tries and Fails to Kill Her Husband at Work
- Warning: This video is graphic.
Man Claims He’s Had Sex with Every Woman in...
- The definition of “this guy fucks.”
Footage from the Most Nonsensical Hate Crime of All...
- This is already proving to be one of the scariest,...
Tourists Nearly Get Crushed by Gigantic Falling Icicles
- Stand back from the ice!
35 Photos of Botched Cosmetic Enhancements
- Beauty standards have changed over the centuries as...
13 Medical Drawings from When Doctors Were Just Trying...
- The medical field has come a long way.
This Woman Produces Almost Two Gallons of Breast Milk...
- It looks miserable.
Double Amputee Replaces Legs With Two Tennis Balls
- They’re “tennis shoes.” Get it?
37 Robots Who Should Not Have Been Given Human Faces
- Look, if we’re going to keep making robots, can we...
Man Gets Hunted Down by Another Driver
- This is why you should get a dash cam.
Fan Balloon Travel is Wholly Impractical and Really,...
- I cannot think of a single time this would be...
Oh Great, There’s a New Virus in China
- Here we go again, goddamn it.
Man Learns Why You Turn Off Breakers Before You Cut a...
- You’ve gotta cut the power before you cut the power...
Massive Snake Invades City
- Pack it up, boys, we gotta get out of here.
Car Randomly Explodes into a Million Pieces
- Looks like someone has a trip to the dealership in...
Professional Pool Player Kills and Eats Bug...
- What did he mean by this?
‘Wet Jeans’ Fetishists Want to Get You Into the...
- But it’ll ruin the raw denim!
36 Cursed Pics You Can't Run Away From
- The internet is a treasure trove for surreal,...
Man Confronts Drunk Driver Who Crashed, Then She...
- If you’re drunk driving, stop!
Dude Who Built ‘Fire Pendulum’ is Never Getting...
- Want to piss off your neighbors? Why not build a...
This Is Why You Don’t Throw Rocks At Power Lines
- Have you ever been tempted to throw a rock at a power...
So Diddy’s Just Been Admitting This for Ages, Huh?
- As we get further away from Diddy’s arrest, more and...
Teens Are Destroying Their Brains With ‘Galaxy...
- With weed legal in many states, and weed analogues...
Flight in Mexico Is Filled With Mosquitos
- One would hope that, inside of a plane, they’re...
Woman Steals Almost $1 Million to Try to Become a...
- I can think of some pretty stupid ways to waste a...
Javelin Thrower Accidentally Hits One of the Judges
- It was bound to happen at some point, right?
This New Erectile Dysfunction Fix Looks Like It’ll...
- Viagra not working? Cialis got you down? Women really...
21 Folks Who Flew Too Close to the Sun
- People have a tendency to get overly ambitious.
This Might Be The Most Cursed Burger Ever
- Before you ask, no, this isn’t a conspiracy theory,...
Woman Gets Shitty Surprise While Swimming at the Beach
- Nothing ruins a day at the beach like a floater.
Girls Filming TikTok Get Mixed Up in Street Fight
- Filming on the street always presents a danger.
Man Wakes Up With a Different Kind of Snake in His...
- Some dudes are blessed with a monster in their pants....
32 Cursed Pics Hovering Over You as You Sleep
- Sleep when you're dead.
21 Creepy Sights and Scary Things You’d Rather Not...
- Nothing messes up your sleep schedule like a certified...
'Thanks, I Hate It': 27 Things People Would Have...
- Sometimes you come across a post or a photo on the...
Biker Narrowly Avoids Getting His Head Cut Off by Truck
- Yikes. This biker was going on his merry way when a...
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