Woman Gets Hallucinations and Hives From Weird Online...
- Be careful what you buy online, this woman was...
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10 Disturbing And Creepy Craigslist Ads
- Sometimes it's better just to venture into stores and...
Drunk Little Kid Talking Smack To People In Their Cars
- Somebody get his ass to school.
50 Chilling Photos From World War 1
- The world's first great war was truly a place of pure...
Good Guy Police Officer Gives Man A Free Prostate Exam
- At least buy him dinner first man, damn.
Guys Trick Their Friend Into Jumping Into Fish Feeding...
- These guys knew this lake and thought they would pull...
28 Nasty Pics Full of NOPE
- Just turn and run away.
10 Super Dangerous Internet Challenges People Actually...
- Going viral sounds tempting, but some people really...
Cobra Drinks Water Out Of Water Bottle
- There's no way most of us would put our hand this...
Real Skin-Walker Caught On Tape – Navajo Legend
- This man filmed what he believed to be a skinwalker, a...
Goat Born With Demon Face In Argentina
- The locals are horrified after the latest litter of...
Little Girl Born With Heart On Outside Laughs, Heart...
- How is there not a 4" layer of something guarding...
Russian Soccer Fan Fires Flare Onto The Field
- He misses the ref by inches!
5 Super Creepy Videos With No Explanation In Sight
- The camera captures chilling questions the human eye...
Topless Girl Showing Off At Beach Trips Into The Ocean
- This model was acting cute and turning her back on the...
Man Screams At Pedophile In Walmart Who Was Taking...
- The man drew a crowd and was claiming the man was...
Popular Live Streamer Threaten By Mob Associate
- This guy was live streaming from a popular restaurant...
This Is The Best Baseball Announcing Will Get This Year
- A play by play of an almost tragic incident.
Video Shows How Chimps Team Up To Hunt Monkeys In The...
- They split up the monkey's meat in a truly horrific...
Idiot Tween Tries To Burn Dog On Snapchat
- Infuriating video coming out of North Carolina shows a...
15 Haunting Photos Of People Moments Before They Died
- The camera catches the seconds before people's deaths.
What's The Worst That Could Happen During An Archery...
- Lucky for Mom, it goes according to plan!
Guy Catches Woman Trying To Set Friend's Apartment On...
- This woman was caught trying to light crumbled-up...
Rapper Joey Badass Regrets Looking Directly At The...
- Hindsight is always 20/20, too bad Joey Badass is...
YouTube Hotel Reviewers Find The Dirtiest Hotel In...
- Not all heroes wear capes.
Crazy Woman Tries To Citizens Arrest A Family Of...
- This woman has got some serious problems.
11 Bros Forever Stuck In The Friendzone
- A true bro doesn't let his bro get friend-zoned.
Guy Gets Sued For Exposing Diamond Companies Shady...
- This guy called out Brilliant Earth Diamonds for shady...
Massive Sinkhole Looks Like Hell Opening
- And then a scooter comes along . . .
Guy Watches Two Idiots Steal His Video Doorbell, Gets...
- The man that owned the property watched the whole...
27 WTF The Pics You Wouldn't Touch With A 10 Foot Pole
- Some of these will make your skin crawl just looking...
This Is How Fast A Lion Can Charge You
- This cameraman is lucky that the lion didn't try to...
Semi Truck Stalls On Tracks, And Train Has No Way Of...
- It never stood a chance.
Skateboard Flutag Goes Incredibly Wrong With Epic Fail
- Did they really think that was going anywhere but down?
London Police Looking For Jogger Who Pushed Woman In...
- London Police are currently looking for a man that was...
Spider Bro Is Offered A Sacrifice By Shop Workers
- All hail the great protector of the engine jack.
Stephen King's IT Final Terrifying Trailer
- Pennywise the clown is back with the final theatrical...
The Best Way To Deal With A Spider In The House
- When a book about spiders totally ruins your day...
5 Videos You Are Banned From Watching
- Videos that not even CIA clearance can get you access...
5 Paranormal Videos You're Gonna Wanna Watch With The...
- From the unexplained to the unimaginable, these are...
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