15 Cool Underwater Craft Exploring the Ocean's Depths
- Dive into some mind blowing tech from the depths.
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21 Scuba Divers Falling Deeply in Love with Fish
- The ocean is a beautiful place, filled with beautiful...
45 Cool Sea Forts to Survive Floods of the Future
- Humanity has to get on board with these things, or...
Car Filming Beautiful Ocean Gets Hit by Massive Wave
- No one said that living on the sea was worry-free.
20 Gigantic Disgusting Blobs that Plopped out of the...
- The ocean is a thriving ecosystem, home to many...
Watch a Shit Ton of Sea Lions Fall Into the Ocean
- They’re just so clumsy!
Look at These New, Weird Little Ocean Creatures
- New guy alert!
Entitled Florida Bros Filmed Dumping Multiple Trash...
- Always leave somewhere better than when you found it.
The Deep Dark Blue: 23 Terrifying Facts About the Open...
- Human aren't meant for the ocean, but something about...
Hawaiians Sought Refuge in the Ocean as Fires Engulfed...
- Last week wildfires ravaged the historic town of...
The Modern-Day Pirate Hunters Keeping International...
- Ride along with several different crews and private...
Harvard Astrophysicist Avi Loeb Shares Picture of...
- If there's anything else this odd ocean saga needed,...
Rowing Across the Pacific Ocean Might Not Be the Best...
- The ocean has had pretty bad PR as of late.
15 Sailors Reveal Fascinating and Terrifying...
- Not only do sailors tend to have some of the best...
Spring Break Beach Boxing Isn’t for Everyone, Least...
- If you're not on the internet 24/7 like us, you're...
Octopus Traps Fish Proving Nature Is Still Metal AF
- Nature is indeed wild. This video was captured by...
The Strangest Things Sailors Have Experienced at Sea
- If there are two things I've learned from AskReddit,...
18 Fascinating Photos of Animals That Looks Like Dicks
- We've gone and done it. We realized there were at...
Drake Passage Videos are the Internet's New Favorite...
- While the Drake passage looks tough, the trip itself...
Man Who Fell off Cruise Ship Survives after Treading...
- James Michael Grimes was on a Carnival Valor cruise...
Man Rescues Desperate Baby Sea Turtle, Covered With...
- She was at the mercy of the waves, so covered in...
See How Deep The Ocean Really Is
- Spoiler: It goes down pretty far.
Shark Swimming Streets of Florida Confirmed to Be Real
- After years of hoaxes, fake videos and pictures, and...
25 Facts About the Industrial Revolution That Changed...
- The Industrial Revolution jumpstarted modern society...
21 Unnerving Photos Proving Open Water Is a Wild Beast
- A batch of breathtaking, and slightly terrifying...
20 Fascinating and Frightening Pics of Bodies of Water
- If you're not terrified of the water, you might be...
5 Incredible Moments Caught On Camera
- From a fishing vessel sinking after catching too much...
33 People Who Thought They Could Defeat the Sun
- There are multiple reasons to fear the sun. And we've...
Mysterious Red Glow Seen Above Pacific Ocean
- A mysterious red glow captured by a pilot flying over...
Diver In Plastic Cage Almost Gets Eaten By Great White...
- It's officially shark week!
Boat Slingshots Solid-Steel Bollard Through the Air
- The launch of a new boat accidentally slingshotted a...
30 Disturbing Facts About The Ocean
- These just might give you the creeps.
Testing a Trashfence in the World's Most Polluted River
- In Guatemala's Rio Motagua Basin home to what is known...
23 Creepy and Disturbing Facts about the World’s...
- The ocean might not be outer space, but it surely is...
Beachgoers Witness a Helicopter Crash into the Ocean...
- Stunned beachgoers and tourists watch as a small...
‘Death Diving’ in Norway Is Just as Insane as It...
- A popular extreme sport in Norway, 'Death Diving' is...
Giant "Phantom" Jellyfish, One of Ocean's Biggest and...
- A gigantic, extremely rare "Phantom Jellyfish" was...
25 of the Scariest Things in the World
- Halloween may be over. But that doesn't mean you won't...
This Autonomous Trash Eating Robot Is Helping to Clean...
- Mark Rober and TeamSeas .org join forces to educate...
Jay Leno Casually Appears Out of the Nose of an...
- Video surfaced of Jay Leno appearing from the nose of...
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