Girls Out for a Nice Boat Ride Unexpected Lose Their...
- This is the hilarious moment a motor suddenly snapped...
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Car Launches off Tow Truck Ramp Due To a Distracted...
- Bodycam footage captures the moment a distracted...
Life After Tragedy: The 22-Year-Old Model Who Survived...
- 22-year-old Brooklinn Khoury was just starting off her...
Cop Thought Her Bodycam Was Off, Records Herself...
- The female officer and her co-conspirator can be seen...
Footage of OBJ Getting Kicked off a Flight Finally...
- Video footage has been released of Odell Beckham Jr....
30 People Who Got Totally Ripped Off
- These folks got unlucky and scammed.
Insane Woman Impersonating a Cop Tries to Run Driver...
- A crazy woman claiming to be a cop stalks, assaults,...
Gene Simmons of Kiss Almost Falls Off Elevated Stage
- As the band members were lowered down from the ceiling...
18 Little Moments in Life That Nearly Sent Someone...
- Some stuff that really got under people's skin.
17 Things that are Irrationally Irritating
- From minor inconveniences to extreme lack of...
Paraglider Lands on the Wrong Roof, Jumps off to Evade...
- Security told him to get down, so he did.
24 Old School Things Kids Today Would Never Understand
- Kids these days think they have all the answers. But...
46 mph Crosswinds are No Match for the F/A-18 Hornets
- Strong crosswinds at the airport blowing at 40 knots...
19 Things That Really Grind Our Gears
- Here is a shortlist of things that get us going and...
Dude with Balls of Steel Backs off Somali Pirates...
- This right here is the difference between having a gun...
15 Pet Peeves That Pushed Us over the Edge
- We all have small pet peeves, but sometimes our...
19 Shameless Rip Offs That Are Kinda Impressive
- Every masterpiece has its cheap copy. We've collected...
Serial Police Impersonator Jeremy Dewitte Arrested...
- Dewitte has had over 55 different criminal court cases...
25 Traumatizing Childhood Events That Messed People Up
- The reason they call it your "formative years" is...
Paul Rudd Shows Off His Hilarious NSFW Camera Trick on...
- Paul Rudd shows off a phone-camera trick that he...
30 Mildly Annoying Things That Infuriate People
- Strange rules, dumb designs, and aggravating...
Washington State Trooper Signs off for the Last Time...
- Trooper Robert LaMay, A 22-year veteran of the...
30 Everyday Annoyances We'd Like to Return to the...
- No one can really stand this stuff.
24 Things That Got Under Our Skin
- We're trying not to be overdramatic, but when you...
Sledders Almost Clipped by Oncoming Traffic, Lucky to...
- Possibly the luckiest people we've ever seen. Sledding...
Students Run For Their Lives As Microburst Blows the...
- Three students in North Carolina were hospitalized ...
Mayday! Camera Captures Huge Wave Snapping a Cargo...
- Onboard cameras captured the shocking moment a cargo...
Cyclist With Small Stockpile of Fireworks Takes Out...
- Little did they know he had a full arsenal of...
The Fake Pee Prank is the Best Winter Stunt To Pull
- Instead of drawing a dick and without actually peeing...
Man Being Carried Off By Police Sings "I Believe I Can...
- A man being carried "superman" style by police, breaks...
Florida Judge ''Goes off'' on Prosecutor and...
- "Are you trying to talk over me?"
Jack Black Shaves Off All of His Quarantine Hair
- In a video uploaded to his YouTube channel titled,...
Near-Miss between Helicopter and Drone off Florida...
- The Federal Aviation Administration has launched an...
Young Drummer Challenges Dave Grohl to a Drum Off and...
- Nandi Bushell a young drummer from the UK plays a...
Viral Tiktok Room Tour Goes from Bad, to Worse, to...
- You live like this? Damn.
Woman Asked to Wear a Mask Pulls Off Her Panties and...
- Hey, sometimes you just gotta do whatever it takes. I...
Karen Coughs in the Face of a Cancer Patient at Pier...
- Karen flips off and coughs a woman at Pier One Imports.
Comedian D.L. Hughley Collapses on Stage In Nashville
- Comedian D.L. Hughley had some sort of medical...
51 Pics So Random They Don't Even Know Each Other
- We're halfway through another week so don't let...
Wife Beating Cop Is Arrested While on Duty and Has His...
- This scumbag beat his spouse so bad she was left with...
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