Faceplant Off Swing
- He's laughing because he knows he's a fool.
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Human Slingshot Fail
- Better luck next time, kid.
Motorcycle Stunt Fail
- He believed he could fly...
Pool Jump Fail
- Fat guy on a plastic chair never ends well.
Arm-Wrestler Will Never Succeed
- Not Sure what was funnier the guy in denial that his...
Dude Faceplants Attempting Going Into River
- Caution: Slippery when wet.
Roof Jump Into Kiddie Pool
- I have to wonder if alcohol was involved...
Soccer Player Takes Kick to the Balls
- 0:18 Everybody chill out, I got this.
Skateboarders First Fail
- Couch skateboarding is more dangerous than you think.
Squirrel Bites Boy
- Boy freaks out.
Skater Wipes Out Hard Behind Truck
- Skaters can never seem to make a high speed turn like...
SUV Rollover Accident
- That's a bizarre way to empty a truck.
Girl vs Jet Engine
- Girl gets blown away by a plane.
Springtime Baseball Cheap Shot
- Keep your eye on the runner at second base at 0:20.
Unexpected Pothole
- Oh, there it is...
Synchronized Swimming Fail
- The synchronization was a little off.
Crazy Girlfriend Pranks Her Boyfriend
- Good job honey, bet the landlord is going to love that...
Pipebombs And Beer Don't Mix
- Poor bastard almost blew his leg off
Why You Shouldn't Make Bootleg Fireworks
- Ready? He was not.
School Wrestling Goes Wrong
- Damn! Not for the squeamish.
Sexy Fail...
- Almost nailed it
Always Point A Shovel Down
- The ole shovel handle to the nuts stunt
How NOT To Ride A Horse
- This horse has had enough
Mom Kicks Son's Ball
- this is why it is usually left up to the father.
Longboard Attempts The Loop
- Attempts being the key word.
Worst FAILS Compilation!
- 2012 CobraCompilation of EPIC Fails Part 2
Panther Takes Finger
- Ever seen the 'don't feed the animals' sign? Now you...
Guy Attempts to Jump Over Car
- Looks like this will not end well.
Skateboarder Gets Hit By Truck
- He's twitching on the pavement.
Toboggan Crashes Into Snow Barrier
- What did they think was gonna happen?
Gymnast Attempts A New Move
- They should call this move "The Egyptian"
Anchorwoman Gets Bit By Dog on Live TV With Audio
- Happy Valentines Day...
Skier Crashes Into Tree
- You can hear him smack into it...ouch
Nasty Fails Compilation
- 2012 NastyCompilation of Epic Failures Part 1
Trizza's Random Image Zanyness
- fus doh hawwwt
Guy Falls Over Railing In A Nightclub
- OH That's gonna leave a mark for sure
Derpy Kid Fails to Use Dragon Voice Properly
- Just not cut out to be truly Dragonborn.
Neutered Bulldog Sings The Blues
- After being picked up from surgery, the dog is still...
Gymnast Fail
- Well, that's one way to break your neck.
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