The Aftermath of Car Crashes Involving Paint (22 Pics)
- Car crashes are no laughing matter.
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22 Paint Disasters That Left Their Mark
- Painting: It's a whole lot harder than it looks.
13 Mugshots of People Who Really Love Huffing Paint
- Of all the drugs you can get high on, huffing paint...
Entropy in Motion: 35 Things That Couldn't Escape The...
- Nothing lasts forever.
Paper Plaster Hack Is Perfect for Frat Boys with Holes...
- Do you enjoy getting rowdy? Do you like to punch holes...
Body Paint Packaging Goes From Okay to 'No They Didn't'
- They didn't have to do this.
This 1960's Toy Hot Rod Restoration is an Oddly...
- A Nylint Roadster Hot Rod from the 60's gets broken...
Unjustly Fired Employee Dismantles the Entire Business...
- If you own a business, make it a point to know and...
Guys Shows up at Toronto BLM Protest in Full Black...
- He even painted his hands and died his hair. What was...
Throwing a Knife Into a Spray Paint Can Leads to...
- How he didn't see that coming is beyond me.
John the Painter is Having an Absolutely Terrible Day
- Hang in there, Johnny. It can't possibly get worse, so...
Woman Smashes And Spray Paints A Brand New Range Rover...
- Armed with a Hammer and a can of spray paint, this...
Police Blast Antifa With Automatic Paint Ball Guns
- WARNING *Graphic Language* ICE Agents were assisted...
Couple of Asshats Unknowingly Get Recorded Keying A...
- Tesla vandals laugh as they damage a Model 3 while...
Can Millennials Open a Can of Paint?
- Jimmy Kimmel takes to the streets with a whole host of...
Artist Painting in Complete Free-Fall is the Dumbest...
- Professional skydiver, Michelle Nirumandrad takes...
This Girl is A Cosplaying Goddess
- 21-year-old Nichameleon from Australia spends all her...
Joke: Blonde Girl Gives Man's "Porch" a Fresh Coat of...
- A slight miscommunication leads to a disaster of epic...
Holy Shit This Video is so Bad-Ass You Won't Believe...
- Watch the whole thing and win a fabulous prize!
Painting A Windshield With So Much Skill It'll Satisfy...
- He's got a talent you may not have known was a thing.
Granny Sets The Hood Off In Her Candy Paint Denali
- Yo, granny is on her way to steal your girl!
Just Another Normal Day When You Have Crackheads For...
- Well, looks like it's time to move again.
This Woman Wore Nothing But Paint And Nobody Had a Clue
- Meet Julie, who decided to do a little experiment —...
Woman Accidentally Shows Her Chocolate Starfish On...
- Uh oh, I bet someone at that station is getting fired!
Curious Dude Sticks A Dildo In A Paint Can Shaker
- And it's way more entertaining than you'd expect.
You Can't Get A Car Any Cleaner Than This
- When a detailer cleans your car so good it blows your...
Has Banksy Finally Been Caught On Camera?
- Is this really Banksy?
This Motorcycle's Heat Reactive Paint Job Is Beyond...
- Motorbike has amazing paintjob that changes with the...
Craftsman Creates Awesome Texas State Flag On Auto Part
- This dude has mastered his craft!
Hipster Douchebag Has A Fit After Stepping In Paint
- Oh no, paint on your used thrift shop shoes... They're...
Incredibly Fast and Talented Finger Painter
- This guy can make a beautiful little painting in the...
Surfer Girls Wearing Body Paint
- Four beautiful babes go out in nothing more than some...
Angry Painter Hates His Life
- Looks like someone had a bad day.
This Spray-Paint Dipped Deer Skull Looks Pretty Awesome
- An art project you can do without your neighbors...
Graffiti Artist Trolls Another City Worker
- A lazy city worker deals with a prankster's...
19 Pieces of Unusual Street Art
- Bringing new life to dull areas with a touch of color.
Body Paint She Does All Herself
- Corie Willet is the artist and model for her creepy...
Graffiti Artist Trolls City Worker
- This guy has some fun with a "lazy" city worker.
'Jim'll Paint It' Is The Best New Service On The...
- Jim takes request via Facebook to paint anything, and...
'Jim'll Paint It' Is The Best New Service On The...
- Jim takes request via Facebook to paint anything, and...
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