Jamie Lee Curtis Deletes Instagram Post after People...
- The iconic actress has deleted a photo of her Pollack...
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Jamie Lee Curtis Deletes Instagram Post after People...
- The iconic actress has deleted a photo of her Pollack...
This 'Splash' Painting Turns into Something Incredible
- What appears to be an abstract painting made by...
25 Fascinating Leonardo da Vinci Facts You Won't Find...
- Leonardo da Vinci was one of the great movers and...
74 Pieces of Street Art That Belong in a Museum
- Tagging is so 1990s, you think you got street art...
Dude Paints Celebrities on Sandwiches Using Watercolors
- It's definitely as weird as it sounds. And by weird of...
15 Cool but Totally Pointless Video Games Details
- Every now and then, games come up with the most...
Choosing Beggar Karen Wants to Pay For Art With...
- Your prayers don't pay my bills, Karen!
Another Horribly Restored Painting Becomes the Joke of...
- Would you believe us if we told you that this wasn't...
16 Beautifully Dark Paintings About Capitalism
- Alex Schaefer loves to
Expert Restoration of Tarnished Old Painting Is Very...
- It literally looks brand-new by the time he's done...
Watching a Master Craftsman Paint a Document is Very...
- I just love watching someone who is a true master of...
Guy Ordered A Weird George Costanza Painting And...
- Why did you order that in the first place?!?
Trippy New Tech Converts Live-Action Movies Into...
- Between this and Deepfakes, the future of videos is...
Dude Takes Old Pokémon Cards And Turns Them Into Gold
- If you've ever seen a Pokémon card you know it has a...
Watch This Guy Create an Awesome Painting Before Your...
- Harry Potter themed artwork with glowing / fluorescent...
That Time A Guy Found A KFC Easter Egg
- When one lucky fan discovered a secret behind KFC's...
Woman Get's the Come-Up of the Year When Her Painting...
- Go check your attic for that come-up.
Woman Get's the Come-Up of the Year When Her Painting...
- Go check your attic for that come-up.
Kid Who Bought Watercolor Painting for $2 Gets A Huge...
- You know if we are featuring paintings it gonna be a...
Artist Painting in Complete Free-Fall is the Dumbest...
- Professional skydiver, Michelle Nirumandrad takes...
Guy Discovers the Painting He Found Behind a Door is...
- A guest brings in a Diego Rivera oil painting created...
27 Bob Ross Memes to Give You Happy Little Thoughts
- The way things are you may need this happiness in your...
Man Uses Spray Paint to Create Amazing Art
- He might be a little high from all the fumes, but this...
SpongeBob Square Pants Painting Goes for 1.3 Million...
- An auction for Sponge Bob Square Pants painting goes...
Dude Finally Tells an IRL Streamer What We're All...
- Some context: The fans of streamer "Trainwreckstv" had...
Superb Storyteller Sues His Cousin For Painting The...
- Damn, this guy knows how to tell a story. Somebody get...
399-Year-Old Painting Is Cleaned For First Time, The...
- The expert took off a now unnecessary varnish so the...
What The Hell Are These Maniacs Trying To Do?
- Directions were unclear, my shed exploded...
Odd And Awesome Things You Don't See Everyday
- A mid-day weekend mash-up of strange sights and...
Incredibly Fast and Talented Finger Painter
- This guy can make a beautiful little painting in the...
Kay Pike Creates Insanely Great Comic Art on Herself
- She's like a human comic-book.
19 Pieces of Unusual Street Art
- Bringing new life to dull areas with a touch of color.
27 Pics That Are Downright Mesmerizing
- "Mind blowing" is thrown around a lot, but should be...
Artist Turns People Into Sloths
- An illustrator known as 'Slothdude' turns selfies...
40 Construction Fails You Won't Believe Actually...
- Not everyone is born with a knack for construction....
Murdered Artist's Rendering of Hell
- Zdzislaw Beksinski's lived a tormented live before...
Cool Perspective Optical Illusion Painting
- A Painting found in Windsor, England by Patrick Hughes.
Amazing Artwork By PEZ
- Works of art by the illustrator, painter, and graphic...
Cute Girl Has Amazing Skill
- Watch this girl speed paint something that might make...
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