Weiner Party
- Brace yourselves... Weiners are coming!
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Weiner Party
- Brace yourselves... Weiners are coming!
Footage From This Year's Black Friday
- Intense never before seen footage from this year's...
Bound 4 - Kanye West & Seth Rogen
- The star-studded love song of the century!
How To Fight A Baby
- He's lucky that baby didn't go berserk and send him to...
Girls Are A-holes
- The girls at this bar are really messed up...
Elderly White Couple Tries To Rap
- They actually pull it off. Old people rapping about...
Jake Foushee's Impressions
- A funny series of impressions, all about a screwdriver?
Weird Costume Store Commercial
- One young man's journey comes to an end...
Best Viral Pics Of The Day
- Enjoy a fresh collection of 42 funny pics and gifs!
The Truth About Morgan Freeman
- You probably didn't know this, did you?
British Ninja Turtles
- The classic Ninja Turtles movie gets a hilarious...
SNL - NFL Films
- A look back at some of the forefathers of the game of...
Don't Touch Pac Man...
- A hilarious animation on why it's not okay to touch...
Bat Dad Is Real
- What are perks of having a schizophrenic dad you ask?
Why Are You Instagramming That?
- Uh, because it's there... duh.
Help Kickstart World War 3
- Obama and the government need your help, sign up now!
Joking Bad - A Breaking Bad Parody
- Jimmy Fallon's hilarious spoof, including a few...
It's Not Porn... It's HBO!
- It's okay, those scenes are crucial to the plot!
New Dating Site - Westboro Mingle
- Singles meet at the network for like-minded...
Truth About History: Fireworks
- Long ago, Bruce Yang had a bright idea that would...
Battlefield 4: Russian Edition
- Meanwhile in Russia... a preview for the new edition...
Game Of Thrones Starring Walter White
- Breaking Bad meets Game of Thrones!
A Singer's Audition Is Interupted
- It wasn't me... Cher Lloyd did it!
Conan Vs. The Crazy Rhubarb Lady
- Conan confronts the Rhubarb lady as she is caught red...
A Drunk Cholo Calls 911
- Man, why you askin all them questions... too much...
PSA: How To Pee In The Pool
- Summer is upon us, don't get caught relieving yourself...
Honest Universal Studios Intro
- A new perspective on the classic intro.
A Character I Used To Know
- A Gotye / Game of Thrones Season 1 Parody
Face Folding Films 2
- More funny video of movie characters with their faces...
Scientifically Accurate Spiderman
- ADHD re-creates Spiderman, with scientific accuracy.
Batman In Classic Movie Scenes
- Gotham's Dark Knight takes on some different roles.
Sling Shot: A Parody Of Thrift Shop
- What up, I got a big rock!
Ethan Smalls: Professional Captcha Writer
- An in-depth look at the "genius" who writes all the...
Ethan Smalls: Professional Captcha Writer
- An in-depth look at the "genius" who writes all the...
Bad Lip Reading: The Walking Dead
- Everybody at that party thought Rick was neat.
How To End A First Date
- Who's going to walk ME home?
Exxon - Energy Everywhere (Parody)
- Comedy video skewers Exxon over Mayflower, Arkansas...
Honest Trailers - Jurassic Park
- Jurassic Park, now needlessly in 3D!
Best Viral Pics of The Week
- A hand picked collection of funny, interesting and...
eBaum's Picks