32 Funny Christmas Posts On Facebook
- Funny examples of Christmas cheer gone wrong on...
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16 Tumblr Philosophers
- Sometimes Tumblr gets deep. And sometimes it just...
Facebook Posts That Got People In Trouble
- Why don't you just call the police and tell them...
25 Facebook Fails of the Utmost Stupidity
- These make me scared for our species.
Facebook Wins And Fails
- 34 More of the wins and fails you love and love to...
Facebook Wins And Fails
- More of the posts from Facebook you love and the fails...
Facebook Fails: Family Edition
- Don't be friends with your family on facebook.
Funny Tumblr Posts
- You know the difference between a cat and a kitten!
Facebook Wins And Fails
- More of the wins and fails you love!
Funny Tweets
- A collection of some hilarious twitter posts!
eBaum's Picks