24 People Share the Grossest Things They’ve Ever...
- You'll probably need eye bleach after this one.
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24 Secrets Happenings and Behind the Scenes...
- It's no secret that casinos have quite a few tricks up...
28 Holiday Travel Memes to Help You Get Where You're...
- Whether you're using cars planes or trains to get from...
Not-So-Common Sense: 30 Obvious Things That Most...
- Professionals dish out tricks of the trade that most...
Brazilian Woman Purposefully Dutch Ovens in Mall...
- A Brazilian woman has gone viral after uploading a...
30 Oblivious People and the Extremely Annoying Things...
- The things that just get under our skin.
Mister Rogers Facts Proving He Was a National Treasure
- Do you long for a time when we were all a bit more...
Streamer Maces Friend, Can't Believe Actions Have...
- Some of these IRL streamers really need to be stopped,...
The Most Insane Interstellar Cover on Public Piano
- Check out this awesome rendition of the Interstellar...
25 Perfectly Legal Things That Make You Look Like a...
- Plenty of crazy things also happen to be illegal. But...
Enraged Man Challenges Teenagers Over "Ganja" Smell,...
- In this clip, this dude claims to smell 'ganja' and...
Cringey Dude Malfunctions After Girl Rejects Him Live
- A young guy with a conspicuously blue tongue tries...
Dude Fails to Receive Happy Meal, Loses Control of...
- Apparently, moments before the clip begins, this dude...
Woman Rejects Dude's Public Proposal and Wins Car,...
- This man absolutely blew his top after his very public...
Stoner Sets Himself Ablaze While Trying to Be Discreet...
- That must be some pretty good jazz tobacco because he...
Man-Child Slaps Burger King Employee Over "Too Spicy"...
- A Burger King customer was caught on camera slapping...
Excellent Video Exposing the Methods of Public Peepers
- Guys who film women in public are pathetic.
Middle Finger Karen Tries to Ruin Everyone's Fun, Cops...
- Nothing quite like the sweet satisfaction of seeing a...
Angry Dad Forces Bratty Son to Apologize After...
- Couple of rude teens are recorded cursing at...
Hillary Duff Confronts a Man Taking Photos of Kids...
- While at a youth football game, the actress and singer...
Dude Carries His WAY TOO DRUNK Girl Out Of...
- Her friend isn't happy about this being recorded, but...
Drunk Dude Tries Running From Cops, Isn't Very...
- You know you're too drunk when you’re full-on...
26 Entitled Influencers Who Were a Total Joke
- We live in a weird climate where people who have a...
Overworked Man Throws a Very Public Tantrum
- This dude definitely needs the day off.
Woman Can't Hide Her Contempt for Men Using Urinals
- This lady can't get over the concept of an open-air...
Man Tries To Stop Bus And Gets Pepper Sprayed
- Sometimes when you're running late you will do just...
21 People Who Are Trashing It Up In Public
- These people have absolutely no shame when going into...
Guy Gets Mad At Other Guy For Interrupting His Public...
- Guy freaks the f out when people are being just as...
Man Confronts His Boss After His Paycheck Comes Up...
- When your money isn't adding up to what it's supposed...
Woman Stands Up In A Best Buy To Give An Announcement...
- Woman Gives Public Service Announcement On BBW's....
A Very Public Messy Breakup With Long John Silvers
- Sometimes you have to do what is best for you, no...
Texas Woman Arrested For Fapping in Public But That...
- After being detained by officers, she continued to...
Good Guy Manager Defends His Employee from a Ranting...
- Wingstop manager to the rescue.
Couple Has TOO Good of a Time at Nationally Televised...
- This New Orleans couple was on another level, if you...
Woman Kicks Over Boxes After Being Misgendered at...
- After allegedly being called "sir" and unhinged woman...
34 People Ruining Public Transportation For The Rest...
- Anything goes on the subway.
NASA's Latest PR Video May Be the Greatest of All Time
- After taking giant steps and leaving our mark on the...
Man Giving Zero F**ks Does The Unthinkable at Grocery...
- A grocery store shopper has gone viral for his less...
Elderly Woman Goes Absolutely Nuts on Barely Speeding...
- An older woman in San Diego, California goes...
Cop's Dad Instincts Kick In When Dealing With Two...
- An 11 and 13 year olds playing with a BB gun learn a ...
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