28 Late Women’s Day Tweets Because We Forgot, Sorry...
- In a way, our silence was an extremely feminist move.
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24 Insane Celebrity Quotes
- The life of a celebrity is a blessed one.
20 Quotes That Sound Fake But Are All Too Real
- They wish they could "fade into Bolivian" after making...
20 Kind of Terrifying, Yet Spot-on Quotes
- Some of the smartest people have said some of the most...
Hit the Nail on the Head: 15 Classic Quotes That...
- As much as I love writing for this site, I'm well...
18 Memes Adding a Bit of Realism to Inspirational...
- This is basically the realistic version of the Target...
20 Memes and Quotes That Speak the Truth
- I can promise you this. These memes have never told a...
The 25 Most Memorable Simpsons Quotes of All-Time
- Thirty two seasons of the Simpsons is enough to create...
Unique Video Game Cover Art Is Dead and Gone
- The art of creating unique video game covers has...
One Star Reviews: Duke Nukem Forever
- Beloved eBaum's users, we're at the bottom of the...
15 Movies That Deserve Video Game Adaptations
- As video games become more like Hollywood...
11 Wholesome and Badass Gamer Moments
- Gamers often get a bad reputation for being lazy,...
40 Iconic Quotes From Video Games
- Video games are known for many things, and while...
19 Poignant and Profound Quotes Sent in by Users
- Users on Facebook answer the question "what's a quote...
38 Funny Twitter Quotes of the Day
- These will crack you up.
25 Jokes to Help You Pretend You're in a Comedy Club
- These days we have to get by with what we've got, so...
Pictures Overflowing With Truth That You Cannot Dispute
- Funny and relatbable memes that you just can't argue...
30 Uninspirational Quotes to Ruin Your Monday
- Today sucks so why not take a look at a handful of...
Unsettling Final Words Spoken By Notorious Killers
- What would you say in the final moments before death?
20 Awesome Stan Lee Quotes That Prove He Was the Best
- Farewell Stan Lee, your words will forever be...
13 Things White People Always Say
- Not to generalize, but every single one of these is...
10 Very Wrong Quotes that will Make You Wonder
- Inspirational quotes from the Canva platform, changed...
26 Yearbook Quotes That Will Make You Chuckle
- If you could go back, what would you say?
28 Slightly Awkward Quotes To Invigorate Your Spirit
- Reawaken your inner dreamer or don't whatever.
21 of the Best Yearbook Quotes from 2018
- Class of 2018 might be the best one yet!
30 Comedies from the Past 40 Years That Have Forever...
- These film quotes have altered our everyday speech...
15 Inspiring Quotes From Martial Arts Master Bruce lee
- Bruce Lee is the type of dude to kick your tail...
14 Ugliest Things Attractive People Said
- You may be pretty, but you need to STFU.
25 Overused Movie Quotes You'll Never Say In Real Life
- Think about the last time you used a clichéd movie...
A.I. Bot Creates Motivational Quotes And It's Hilarious
- WTF is this robot thinking?
14 Of The Creepiest Quotes From Infamous Serial Killers
- Chilling things said by some of the sickest people to...
Monday Morning Randomness - User Edition #32
- Start the week with some funny, random, and wtf pics!
38 Surprisingly Profound Quotes From Celebrities
- Famous people dropping some serious insight.
17 Inspirational Quotes That Will Help You Make It
- Don't let the middle of the week get you down, read...
Awesome Quotes From Bill Burr To Get You Through The...
- Wise words to live by.
Solid Life Advice From Killer Mike
- Words of wisdom on life and love.
Mr. Rogers' "Look For The Helpers" Speech
- A good thing to hear in this troubling world.
Great Homer Simpson Quotes To Celebrate His 60th...
- Quotes from the man who taught us how to be a father,...
Famous Quotes That Don't Say What You Think
- Popular saying you've been getting wrong this whole...
22 Senior Yearbook Quotes That Are Just Perfect
- Nailing it in high school one last time.
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