The Cliche Action Chase
- With realistic remote control models.
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Gangnam Style Flip Note Animation
- No matter if you love or hate the song, this is still...
How To Listen To The Radio Using Plants
- A short in this AM radio tower has some interesting...
Family Guy Rap
- Man raps as all the characters on Family Guy to "Look...
Angry Grandpa vs CiCis Pizza
How the Rapture Will Actually Go on the 21st
- This is whats going to happen this weekend to all the...
Alien Radio
- A man wants to pawn a DVD player he uses to...
Man With Golden Voice Arrested
- Ted Williams career can only go down hill from here
Homeless Man With Incredible Radio Voice
- Holy crap, this guy's voice is smoother than Barry...
Cop Heard Having Sex On Radio
- To Protect and Serve Up
Kitten Vs Parrot
- AND THE WINNER IS...........
Homeless Man Covers "Creep"
- And Does an Awesome Job.
Radio Host RAGES
Stop Motion Animation with Glowsticks
- Lucky by All India Radio, is the viewable blood, sweat...
Your Wife is Fooling Around With MY Wife!
- Live Radio prank call. This Red Neck is so fucking...
Mom Pranks Dad and it Goes Awry
- This guy shouldn't admit to things so freely!
Radio Studio on Fire
- Whatever this guy is saying must be really important!
Worst Radio Ad... Ever
- WTF was the marketing department thinking?!?!?
Music Piracy: The Next Generation
- Yes, someone actually stole a whole radio tower!
Dolly's New Book
- Howard Stern reads excerpts from Dolly Parton's new...
Pool Accidents
- Hilarious prank phone call done by a radio station.
Mr Bergis - Magazine Sales
- All these guys want to do is sell Mr. Bergis magazines.
Mr Bergis - Owed Child Support
- Mr. Bergis is accused of screwing a stripper and owing...
Mr Bergis - Gay and Lesbian School
- Fun with Mr. Bergis.
Mr Bergis - NASCAR Prank
- More fun with Mr. Bergis.
Mr Bergis - Prank Calls
- Mr. Bergis is some redneck in Mississippi who is...
Dirty Turban
- A hilarious classic prank phone call done by Howard...
Prank Call Gone Wrong
- This friendly prank turns into a disaster faster than...
Star Wars Prank
- Great Star Wars names. A UK radio station sent us this...
Son Pranks Mom
- Son Pranks Mom
Drug Test
- Listen to this girl's offer when she finds out she...
Vibrator Prank
- Husband tells local Radio station that his wife had...
Bad Day Prank
- This is a practical joke that went wrong.
Mr Bergis - Big Bro
- He doesn't take too kindly at the news he is about to...
- Guy gets busted cheating on his GF by a radio station...
100 Grand Radio Prank
- A radio station calls someone at home telling them...
Wasabi Snort
- Radio station records man snorting Wasabi.
Poop Touch
- Who knew dog poo could be so terrifying.
eBaum's Picks