Trashy Family Absolutely Destroyed This Rental House
- These people made it their life's mission to ruin this...
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City Council Gets Called Out For Ignoring Giant Pothole
- I hope they have friends in the Fire department...
22 Savage AF Memes to Share with Someone You Love...
- Some savage AF memes to for all to enjoy.
Streamer's Dirtbike Stunt Fail Results In A Broken Leg
- Is the bike okay?
Artist Exposes a Racist Hypocrisy With a Piece of Fan...
- This guy is all for equality, but not everyone else is.
Guy Trolls The Flat Earth Society Fanpage In a...
- This dude was accepted into a Flat Earth Society...
Miss 'Virtual Kazakhstan' Trolls Judges By Revealing...
- Never trust a girl on the internet.
Woman Gets Revenge On Her Sexually Aggressive Coworker
- Take that Ted you creepy ass loser.
Mark Hamill Owns A Grammar Nazi On Twitter
- Do not test Mark Hamill's knowledge of proper grammar.
30 People Who Got Absolutely Destroyed By The Internet
- People who got roasted so hard they left the Internet...
Clever Girl Perfectly Outsmarts An Unwanted Perv
- Poor guy never knew what hit him.
10 Times 4chan Trolled The Hell Out Of The World
- From rigging a Mountain Dew contest to sending Bieber...
People Get Trolled By A Grandfather Clock At The Museum
- Go ahead and look underneath the sheet... oh wait, you...
46 Thanksgiving Table Comebacks For Wrecking Annoying...
- Have a plate of turkey with a side dish of ownage.
McDonald's Social Media Guy Gets Owned On Twitter
- You just got McServed.
Woman Trolls A Group Of Soccer Moms After Accidentally...
- This woman truly is doing the lords work, bravo!
Steven Seagal's New Look Gets Mercilessly Roasted By...
- Steven gets a bigger beating online than he has ever...
Wanted Criminal Tries To Be Snarky And Gets Owned By...
- Cause taunting the people looking for you is a great...
The New Tomb Raider's Poster Gets The Internet...
- Lara Croft more like Lotta Neck.
25 Awful Youtubers Getting Hilariously Owned
- If you see anything marked "NOT CLICKBAIT" on YouTube...
Twitter Idiot Gets Rekt After Making The Dumbest Tweet...
- It's so stupid that it's hard to believe this isn't a...
Millennial Takes A Verbal Beating From A Little Girl
- The reaction of his friends - priceless.
Playboy Tries The "Blame Millennials" Game And Gets...
- We expected titties from you Playboy, not social...
Boyfreind Gets A Not So Subtle Message About Their Sex...
- Her answer to "what would you say is the perfect man?"...
Women Who Want To Create A Female Only Gym Hand Men A...
- Women in their quest to work out without the eyes of...
Enjoy a Slice of Humble Pie: Karen's Bad Food Review...
- A Dublin cafe owner was a bit surprised about a bad...
Girl Tries To Prank Her Mom But Her Mom Gets The Last...
- Her Mom is right, the doggie wins the graduation one...
Motorcyclist Drives Through Protestors Laying In The...
- Some say he was endangering lives, others blame the...
Overreacting Reporter Gets Humiliated With One...
- It took one shot to crash his SJW world.
Stupid Chick Thinks Lighting A Flare Inside Is A Good...
- If you're trying to set your house on fire, this is...
Twitter Teaches This Woman A Valuable Lesson In Film...
- This woman was trying to make a point about women...
Vain 49 Year Old Woman Claims She Looks Like Son's...
- The internet reacts accordingly.
Girl's Father Goes On Racist Rant After Seeing Her...
- Prom is supposed to a magical time in your child's...
19 Pics Oozing With Cringe That Will Make You...
- Ge ready for a fresh dose of awkwardness.
Fake News Article Triggers Hundreds Of Gullible People...
- A fake story about tranquilizers for kids recently had...
Internet Trolls Hilariously Rekt Burger King's New...
- Burger King thought they would use Google Home to...
Cash Me Ousside Girl Talks Sh*t But Gets Rekt In An...
- She was bragging but nothing could stop that pawnage.
13 Douchebags Whoring For Attention Online Get...
- For some people, there are no boundaries for making a...
27 Of The Stupidest Arguments People Actually Had
- People describe their heated debates over silly...
This Sheriff Trolled People With Notices To Appear
- A clever way to "summon" your friends and family to an...
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