Woman Breaks Zoo Rules and Feeds Zebras, Quickly...
- Read the information card *before* you go on the...
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24 Awful Rules That People Admit to Breaking Regularly
- Some of these rules are actually very good, but that...
'I Really Have to Shake Everyone's Hand?': Boss Forces...
- If you make your sick employee show up, just be aware...
What Comes Around... - Secretary Fired for Following...
- "You are fired for obeying my rules, please stay until...
Every Sex Position Is On the Menu at the Mustang...
- When it comes to the Mustang Ranch, pretty much...
23 Unwritten Rules To Master Life
- Life is complicated, these could help.
25 Crazy Laws That Really Do Exist
- Crazy laws and rules you might not have known were...
'It Ain't Much, But It's Honest Work' - 25 Universal...
- The important things you have to do to be a real man
We Live in a Society: 30 Unwritten Rules Everyone...
- Some principles to make the world a better place
30 Great Examples of When Stupid Rules Backfired in...
- These rules are made to be broken
5 Times People Broke the Rules By Following Them
- Some beautiful stories of malicious compliance
16 People Who For Better or Worse, Play by Their Own...
- We all have different ideas, thoughts, and ways of...
18 Unwritten Rules Everyone Should Know
- This stuff should be common knowledge by now.
Trump Supporter Learns He's Been Added to the No Fly...
- "They called me a terrorist", know your starting to...
Guy Shares the Five Secrets to Happiness, Girlfriend...
- These five "secrets" actually sound like a lot of work.
Guy Uses Technicalities in HOA Rules to Defeat HOA...
- He used the rules to defeat the rules.
A Quick Defense of the English Language
- There's a popular saying that English is actually...
34 Unwritten Rules For a Better Life
- Little bits of wisdom to keep tucked away under your...
Guy Sues Crazy Landlord, Takes Her Money and Her Job
- Now THAT'S a great revenge story.
30 Excellent Loopholes That People Exploited
- There's definitely a few here that you might be able...
Tumblr Thread Sifts Through Legal Loopholes of Davy...
- Some people have way too much time to look into these...
Unjustly Fired Employee Dismantles the Entire Business...
- If you own a business, make it a point to know and...
Heartbreaking Footage Shows 6-Year-Old Girl Pleading...
- In what appears to be a Zero tolerance no common sense...
Comedian Drew Lynch Has a Specific, Hilarious Reason...
- Drew Lynch has some questions about that whole "Don't...
Ground Rules For The 2019 Democratic Socialist...
- Before the convention could begin organizers laid out...
"Twitch Thot Anthem" Exposes Twitch's Double Standards...
- Twitch is meant to be a platform for gamers to stream...
Crazy Wife Makes An Insane List Of Demands For Her...
- This woman's husband was invited to a Bachelor Party...
24 Unwritten Rules That Could Make the World a Better...
- Simple things that should be common sense, but sadly...
32 "Badasses" Who Don't Play by Your Rules
- They do what they want. Deal with it.
25 People Who Refused to Play By the Rules
- They must think they're real badasses breaking all...
Racist Lady Screaming At Teenagers For No Reason
- “It seems to be one race that is breaking the rules...
Insane Londoner Seeking A Roommate Lays Out...
- Good luck finding anyone who wants to live you, mate.
University Created A "Cry Closet" and The Internet...
- The internet is reacting to a cry closet that was...
Nerd Gave His GF A Crazy Set Of Rules For When They...
- This man has thought of everything.
27 Low-Level Badasses Who Play by Their Own Rules
- Rulebreakers in their natural habitat.
10 of the Dumbest Reasons People got in Trouble at...
- Some rules don't make a lick of sense.
Family Gets Kicked Off Jet Blue Flight Over A Birthday...
- This family had to rebook their flight over a birthday...
37 Times Signs And Phrases Were Totally Ignored
- This people aren't living by your rules!
24 Of The Most Ridiculous Rules Parents Have Had To...
- These are the kind of parenting situations no one can...
21 People Who Don't Give A F*ck About Your Signs
- Watch out! We got a couple badasses over here!
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