Belgian Girls Butts Vs Soccer Balls
- Let's explore the physics of kicking a soccer ball...
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Bubble Football Big Hits Compilation
- Whether you call it football or soccer, this bubble...
Surprise Soccer Ball To The Face
- Keep your eye on the ball, not the ball on your eye!
Skatepark Soccer Trick Shot
- He kicks the ball, it ricochets off the skate ramp and...
Trophy Photo Ends With Broken Trophy
- A celebration fail leaves them with a broken trophy...
Soccer Team Trolls Their Opponents
- A goal scored with one of the most funny tricks...
Fan Runs Onto The Field With A Camera
- He even gets to snap a couple pictures with some...
Soccer Fan Receives A Headshot
- I bet that hurt!
Soccer Coach Can't Kick A Ball
- A coach is left butthurt after an attempted kick...
This Guy Has Got Some Serious Skill
- Awesome talent and precision handling.
Chubby Guy Has Amazing Soccer Skills
- A full bodied English man busts out some sick moves!
The Mask Soccer Mascot Fence Fail
- The Mask can do pretty much anything except climb a...
FIFA Soccer Team Play - I'm Captain"
- Weregonnalose is Captain of a Soccer team...
FIFA Soccer Team Play - I'm Captain"
- Weregonnalose is Captain of a Soccer team...
FIFA Soccer Team Play - I'm Captain"
- Weregonnalose is Captain of a Soccer team...
Don't Understand Soccer?
- This will help clarify.
eBaum's Favorite Sports .Gifs of 2012
- The good, the bad and the WTF!
Smoke Bomb Explodes in Player's Face
- Soccer players are amazing actors...
The Soccer Sniper
- The real reason soccer players take those ridiculous...
Soccer Player Kick To The Chest
- This is Sparta!
Soccer Player Throws Ball At Opponents Face
- Not once...but twice!
Fan Rewards Her Team For Winning
- Sometimes victory has a steep price!
How NOT to Play Soccer With Your Kid
- Nice going dad!
Kid Rock & Pam Anderson Yell at Paparazzi
- kick rock and Pam Anderson get really mad at their...
Soccer Player Finds A Grenade On the Field
- Came close to losing that hand.
Fan Mad Because Dude Won't Sit Down
Soccer Fan Does Faceplant In The Stands
- Everyone is entertained.
Troll Soccer Player Owns His Team Mate
- He better watch his back when they hit the showers.
Brutal Soccer Fan Fight
- Some fans slug it out at a soccer match!
- Two for the price of One.
Soccer Ninjas Attack
- Pretty weird soccer fight breaks out in Brazil.
Cops Take Down Fan On Soccer Field
- Didn't see it coming.
Goal Celebrations FX Style
- This is the Most Entertaining Soccer Montage You'll...
How to Shut Up Racist Soccer Fans
- Like a pro.
Soccer Player Takes Kick to the Balls
- 0:18 Everybody chill out, I got this.
Soccer Player's Dramatic Look at Referee
- Dramatic prairie dogs and cats can't compete with this...
Soccer Player Gives Little Kid a Keepsake Before the...
- What an honor...
One Dirty Game Of Soccer
- Kids Can Play Dirty Too!
Mom Kicks Son's Ball
- this is why it is usually left up to the father.
Best Soccer Fan Ever
- Kid pokes himself in the eye on live TV but doesn't...
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