27 People Share the 'Dirty Little Secrets' That Made...
- If you knew what was really going on behind the...
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No Understanding of Physics - Protestors Attempt to...
- The climate activists wandered onto the tarmac at...
25 Things That Should Be Illegal But Aren't
- Many horrible things in this world need to stop. It's...
25 Annoying Things Young People Keep Doing
- Not all young people are bad, but there are a few...
20 "Common Issues" That Are Way Overblown
- Everyone is always telling you what to get mad about....
Congressional Candidate Martin Hyde Goes Full Karen...
- Video of the stop where Congressional candidate Martin...
20 Children Too Dumb For Their Own Good
- They say children are our future. These are the great...
Stop Buying GTA V
- If you don't stop buying GTA V, which has sold more...
Sharpshooter Cop Tasers His Own Partner during Bizarre...
- BZZZZZT...Walk it off dude
Police Chase Comes to a Very Abrupt Stop in Front of...
- Fleeing suspect slams head on into big truck, bring...
Cyclist Wails After Barreling through a Stop Sign and...
- Dude on a bicycle screams down a hill into an...
Cop Causes Major Accident, Arrests Other Driver To...
- According to Fox News, the other driver was eventually...
Son Begs Dad Not To Call Cops On Black Man, He Does It...
- Wesley Michel was just waiting for a friend when this...
Godlike Semi Driver Skills Help Cops End High Speed...
- One of the best displays of expert driving skills and...
16 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Quit...
- As tasty as alcohol is, it will take a toll on you....
A Girl Talks About A University Roommate From Hell
- Sometimes people have a hard time with roommates other...
Woman Kicks Over Boxes After Being Misgendered at...
- After allegedly being called "sir" and unhinged woman...
The New Smash Bros. Ad Syncs Perfectly With "Don't...
- While we have no clue how someone would have figured...
17 Absurd Stops Will Make You Want to Take the Bus
- Taking public transportation seems almost FUN when you...
When A Simple Traffic Stop Turns into a HUGE Drug Bust
- A traffic stop in Gwinnett County, Georgia goes from...
Lady's Transformation Over 8 Years Is Something To...
- From the ages of 14-22, she took pictures of herself....
18 Times When 'Stop Clickbait' Saved the Day
- More proof that not all heroes wear capes.
18 Times When Stop Clickbait Has Saved the Day
- Stop Clickbait does a truly valuable service for...
Guy Takes His $3 Million Dollar Lamborghini To Carmax...
- I think Carmax may be taking a few business practices...
Dude High On Anesthesia Cannot Stop Hitting On His Wife
- Hilarious video of a man falling in love with his wife...
Guy On Vacation With Reese Witherspoon Trolls Her...
- He's got a whole bucket full of one-liners and dad...
Tennis Player Can't Stop Laughing At Her Opponent's...
- Can she just take a 5 minute break?
Girlfriend Attempts To Stop Her Man From Jumping
- That could have been handled better.
Bloody State Trooper Struggles To Detain Suspect
- Luckily some good samaritans rush to his aid after...
Nothing Will Stop A True Fisherman From Fishing
- Truck broken down... repossessed? No problem!
11 Neckbeards That Need To Stop With The Comments
- No level of awkwardness or shame can keep these...
The Facebook Page Stop Clickbait Is The Hero The...
- Clickbait pages hate him and mobile users with low...
The Most Cringe Worthy Teenager To Ever Exist
- This out of control 13 year old says all her mom wants...
Truck Driver Saves Boy From 3 Thugs Attacking Him
- Three guys bully a young guy and attempt to steal his...
This Is Why You Should ALWAYS Stop For School Busses
- A young child crossing the street is hit by a driver...
Guy Pulls A Gun On Cop During Traffic Stop
- Thankfully no one was hurt during the "incident".
Car Bowls Over Motorcycle At Stop Light
- Probably looking down at the phone, playing Pokemon GO.
Suspects Squeeze Out Of A Police Van While The Cops...
- I would love to see the look on the cops faces when...
Chris Evans Was Caught Looking At Boobs & The Internet...
- he was caught taking a peek at Elizabeth Olsen's...
Damn Carl, Stop Chiefing!
- Carl the Cardinal has become a weed fiend.
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