The 24 Dumbest Posts on the Timeline Today
- The brain is happy when the brain is empty.
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26 Dumb Celebrity Headlines No One Asked For
- Here are some ridiculously pointless celebrity...
21 People Share the Dumbest Questions They've Ever...
- Stupidity is one heck of a drug.
26 People Share the Stupidest Argument They’ve Ever...
- Grown-ups— they're just as dumb as kids.
The 20 Dumbest Celebrity Headlines of the Week
- Stars, they're just like us — and by just like us I...
Saturday Morning Randomness: 40 Fun Pics to Turn Your...
- Start your day with a laugh and try to guess what the...
35 Times When a Teachers Dealt With a Parent Who...
- The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree ...
21 Totally Random Thoughts We've All Had And Cannot...
- Enjoy the ride, towels are optional!
Is Water Wet? 33 People Who Asked Some Incredibly...
- If you're looking for proof that our public education...
Confidently Incorrect: 32 People Who Almost Knew What...
- Posts so bad, they're almost a "deformation of...
Not The Sharpest Tool in the Shed: 20 of the Dumbest...
- There may be no such thing as stupid questions, but...
The 17 Dumbest Ways People Have Died
- The Darwin Awards are all too real.
20 Shower Thoughts That'll Make You Think 'No Duh'
- Shower thoughts once ruled the internet.
27 Times When Someone Was The Total Opposite of...
- Get ready to have a few laughs and plenty of facepalms...
24 Pics Proving That the Kids Are Not Alright
- Kids are still learning, so it's not their fault that...
31 Folks Who Aren't the Brightest Lighbulb in the Shed
- Some people really need help, and some people are so...
27 People Share the Dumbest Things They've Ever Heard
- How do some people get through life?
19 Embarrassingly Dumb Things People Did While Trying...
- Everyone wants to fit in, be accepted, or perhaps look...
30 Not So Bright Posts From Dull Bulbs
- A fresh batch of posts from people who could use a...
A Fresh Collection of World Class Fails and Facepalms
- Prepared your forehead, because this one is full of...
32 People Who Decided To Make Their Lives Harder
- Check out this batch of pics and posts from people who...
28 People Who Think They're Real Tough Online
- Internet tough guys who think they're the real deal.
34 Signs Someone Might Not Be Very Intelligent
- Ordinary human stupidity will sooner or later...
20 People Who Excel at Doing Dumb Things
- These folks let their brain cells stay on break for a...
Not Their Proudest Moment: 25 Wild Posts Packed to the...
- Well thanks captain obvious.
28 Dudes Who Think They're Real Badasses
- The cringe is real with these people.
27 People Who Should Have Thought Things Through First
- I guess we all can't be good at our jobs.
17 Brain-Dead Posts From The Dumb People Among Us
- These are the people who make us feel better about...
19 Pics Filled to the Brim With Stupidity
- Some downright dumb stuff.
Idiot Biker Forgets That Cars Move Too, Gets Clipped
- In this video, a motorcyclist who was weaving through...
34 Extremely Absurd Things Rich People Have Purchased
- Check out this batch of dumb and useless things people...
24 Friday Facepalms of Failure
- Some funny facepalms and fails for your Friday.
Shouldn't Have Hit Send: 25 Facepalm-Inducing Posts...
- We've checked the math and something isn't adding up.
21 Facepalms and Fails Chock Full of Foolishness
- Some funny tomfoolery for your Friday!
30 Really Stupid Things People Overheard
- People can be really dumb sometimes.
18 Epic Fails, and Funny Facepalms of Stupidity
- What is going on in these foolish fails?
Delusional Woman Says Lyme Disease is an Intergalactic...
- On today's episode of "The Dumbest Thing You'll Hear...
31 Reminders That Kids Can Be Really Dumb Sometimes
- They try their best, but that's why school exists...
24 Examples of Impressively Stupid Things That People...
- It's not easy being dumb, despite what you may think.
23 Dumb Things People Did And For Some Reason, Feel...
- There are many things to be proud of. But these...
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