25 Pics Filled to the Brim With Dumb
- Stuff to make you facepalm.
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20 Shower Thoughts to Make You Squint
- Something to puzzle over the next time you're peeing...
24 Pics Filled to the Brim With Dumb
- One of the problems with social media and the internet...
19 People Share Moments They Had to Say 'Is this B***h...
- What are some people thinking?
30 People Who Ain't Too Bright
- It is a miracle that these people have even made it...
28 Funny Photos Where Stupidity Is Front And Center
- Stuff to make you facepalm.
24 Insane Posts Found on Social Media
- Reporting from the front line of social media we have...
Biden Gets Absolutely Rocked for His Pathetic Trump...
- Just go back to sleep, Joe.
TikTok "Genius" Spills Cereal All Over NYC Subway
- He claims it was an accident. "It's just a prank bro"...
25 Pics Packed To the Brim With Dumb
- Stupid pics that will make you scratch your head and...
25 Pics Packed to the Brim With Dumb
- You couldn't fit anymore dumb in a single one of these...
27 Bold Faced Lies Told On Social Media
- If you're going to tell a lie, at least make it...
Stormtrooper Gets Arrested for Carrying a Toy Blaster...
- These Canadian police go full idiot mode arresting a...
All Gas No Breaks Covers The Crazy Lockdown Protestors
- All Gas No Breaks reports from the front line against...
20 Thoughts to Make You Go "Huh?"
- To scour away the boredom.
Stemen the Semen Stabber Pokes Woman with Syringe Full...
- Anne Arundel County Police said semen was found inside...
Stock Photos of Women Who Don't Know How to Drink...
- These stock photos are a veritable fountain of good...
Hilarious Pics of People Trying to Sell a Mirror (20...
- Sometimes when I'm bored, I'll literally just go to...
21 Posts That Are Packed to the Brim with Stupidity
- Just a whole lotta folks who are not very bright.
20 Shower Thoughts to Help Wake You Up
- To take a break from all those imaginary arguments...
Female MMA Fighter on Survivor Romania Headbutts...
- After losing a challenge, this MMA fighter named Ana...
The Misadventures of A Woman Using an App Powered Car...
- She just wanted a drive, but the robot uprising had...
Crazy Woman Goes on Drug-Fueled Rant at Dollar Store
- This cameraman has the patience of an absolute saint...
These Guys Failed Miserably at Answering Questions...
- These dudes are definitely spending Valentine's Day on...
29 People Who Might Just Be Terminally Stupid
- There currently is no cure for these record levels of...
Dude Accidentally Shoots Gun While Making Video & Gets...
- He really looks at the blunt like it fired the gun.
Concerned Mom Roasted Over Tweet About 'Pornographic'...
- Those poor kids!
Guy Shares The Craziest Recommendation He's Received...
- Wish.com has become that one place online that doesn't...
16 Crazy Things Rich People Have Done
- Rich people live in a different world all to...
21 Weird Images That Probably Have An Explanation But...
- What is wrong with these people? A lot. These wtf...
Meghan Markle Bullied by British Press' Cruel Double...
- And yet, they wonder why she and Harry want to step...
24 Homemade Movie Posters That Are Funnier Than Any...
- Due to licensing and printing costs some theaters...
Woman Left With Misshapen Lips After Several Plastic...
- Let this be a warning to those of you out there that...
Entitled Girl Doesn't Want Someone Else to Have Her...
- I have an emotional attachment to a million dollars...
26 People Who Might be Terminally Stupid
- There a lot of things you can change about yourself,...
Entitled 'Influencer' Demands Free Work and Paid...
- He doesn't even want stuff for free... he wants to be...
Pics Filled to the Brim With Stupidity (25 Pics)
- Stuff that will make you facepalm through your head.
Open Carry Parody Clip Is 100% Spot On
- For the people out there that think carrying around a...
Girl Getting Married to a Rug Does Not Bode Well For...
- Is this real life?
Girl Announces "It’s a MF Party" Before Smashing...
- Looks like a smashing good time.
eBaum's Picks