29 Final Bosses of the Subway
- You run to catch the train, slide through the doors,...
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Dude Almost Gets Away With Spitting on Someone on the...
- Never get too confident.
Some Dudes Stole a Subway Train and Took It For a...
- Is it really a joyride if you can only go one...
Man Throats Entire Foot-Long Subway Cookie in One Bite
- Why enjoy the cookie when you can deep throat it?
Assholes Light Off Fireworks in a Subway
- I know their sandwiches suck, but isn’t this a bit...
Entire Subway Car Cheers on Woman Carrying Her Drunk...
- Get yourself a friend like this!
Woman Accidentally Releases Live Crabs into the Subway
- What exactly is going on here?
Man Jumps Subway Turnstile, Then Gets Beat Up, Then...
- New York, never change.
22 Crazy Things People Saw On the Subway
- Maybe we'll take an Uber next time.
Leg Found in NYC Subway May Have Been Dragged There...
- If you’ve been wondering where your leg is, give...
Garbage Can Explodes After Being Hit By the Subway
- "I don't know what I expected but it wasn't that,"...
20 Ingredients That Will Ruin a Sandwich
- I'll always be in constant search of the perfect...
Man Is Remarkably Chill after Waking Up With a Rat on...
- There are approximately 2 million rats living in New...
Watch Five Strangers Share a Blunt on Their Morning...
- These New Yorkers come together on their daily commute...
Selfish Influencers Delay Subway Train to Do Their...
- This selfish influencer is delaying everybody's day,...
Subway Karen Gets Shut Down by Dude Who Doesn't Give A...
- His response to when she says "excuse me" is priceless.
21 Fast Food Employees Reveal The Food You Should...
- Insider tips to avoid disgusting practices and...
Subway Offers "Free Subs For Life" in Return For Foot...
- A lifetime supply of free sandwiches to the first...
NYPD Drops the Ball, Civilian First to Catch Subway...
- After Tuesday's subway shooting in Brooklyn, it became...
Man in Gas Mask Drops Smoke Bombs, Opens Fire in NYC...
- An unidentified gunman opened fire this morning on a...
'Someone Is Getting Fired' - Twitter Memes 'The...
- With a job well done the poster was posted on the...
Jared Fogle Makes First Statement From Jail Since...
- Disgraced Subway sleaze Jared Fogle has released his...
27 Weirdest WTF Pics from The Subway We Can't Unsee
- Some things should stay underground...
Bike Ends up on Queens Subway Tracks, Causes Explosion
- Someone left a bike on the subway tracks and as you...
Bike Ends up on Queens Subway Tracks, Causes Explosion
- Someone left a bike on the subway tracks and as you...
Elon Musk Disrupts Transport by Inventing... a Crappy...
- Elon Musk has certainly had some good ideas, but the...
Flooded Subway Cars, Massive Explosions in Henan...
- Unprecedented rains bringing 8 inches an hour have...
Clout Hungry Karens File Lawsuit over Subway Tuna Salad
- The Happy Gilmore endorsed restaurant chain is facing...
20 Bizarre Things People Only Do on Public Transit
- Humans truly are strange and bizarre creatures.
15 Examples of Over the Top Product Placements in...
- Product placements have been a staple of movies and...
When Someone Plays Sweet Caroline in a Boston Subway...
- Subway performer began playing Sweet Caroline at the...
This Is How Bad NYC's Subway Has Gotten Since Lockdown
- Trashcans on the train and guys openly pooping are...
Subway Location Under Fire For Tasteless Promotional...
- Why would anyone think this was a good idea?
Dude in Bright Red Jump Suit Attempts To Kidnap Young...
- An older guy attempts to kidnap a young girl while...
"You Have No Right Hacking" Boomer Freaks Out at a...
- An angry and paranoid woman was offended by a woman...
"You Have No Right Hacking" Boomer Freaks Out at a...
- An angry and paranoid woman was offended by a woman...
Crazy NYC Subway Rider Flips Out on His Mannequin For...
- Dangit, Wilson!
An Entire New York Subway Bursts Into Song When They...
- A group of complete strangers suddenly break out into...
New York Subway Performer Amazes Crowd With Rendition...
- The New York Subway is full of rats and crazy folks,...
This Guy and His Hat Are Living In The Future
- Whoever invented this is a genius and soon to be a...
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