15 Straight-Shootin’ Facts About Jesse James
- Jesse James became an outlaw legend. But like all...
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"I'm Hit!" Sky News Team Ambushed by Russian Death...
- Sky News Reporter Tim Stuart and his team had spent...
25 Movies That Still Make Us Laugh Uncontrollably
- Whether you're seriously depressed or just having a...
This is What a Spec Ops Airdrop Looks Like
- Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen (SWCC) with...
ND Coach Brian Kelly Makes Eerie Execution Joke
- Notre Dame head coach Brian Kelly made a rather...
High School Football Team Pulls off One of the Best...
- During a kickoff return this team pulled off some...
Special Forces Member Recounts the Time they were...
- Former Navy Seal retells account of a Special Forces...
Nope It's Not Word Art, These Are 26 Real Minor League...
- Whether you believe us or not, these teams actually...
Swiss Hockey Coach is Brutally Honest
- I bet his pep talks are legendary.
Little Leaguer Gives Us All the Feels with Home Run...
- Owen Hoag, an 8-year-old ball player from Wichita...
Japanese Stunt Team Shows Off Masterful Choreograhpy...
- Dear Hollywood: hire them, now.
The Best 15 Games You Can Play For Free
- Gaming is an incredibly expensive habit. You'll end up...
SWAT Team Destroyed Innocent Woman’s Home and...
- This summer Vicki Baker woke up one morning to every...
Dive Team Solves a 7-Year Long Missing Person Case and...
- Ethan Kazmerzak went missing back in 2013. Youtubers...
Clueless Manager Thinks His Employee Is Salaried and...
- Sometimes the best revenge can be had simply by...
Salt Lake City SWAT Throw Elderly Man with a Cane to...
- Swat officers were called into downtown Salt Lake City...
Conan and His Assistant Sona Meet with Human Resources...
- Conan and Sona discuss their dysfunctional...
The Full Brawl that Erupted after Myles Garrett Hit...
- The game between the Browns and the Steelers turned...
Watch Jordan Schlansky Die Inside as Conan Downsizes...
- Conan cuts Jordan’s office in half and installs a...
World's Strongest Men VS. a Tug of War Team is a...
- Who would win? 4 beefy boys or 6 passionate...
Crowd Chants "F*** Trump" As Fox Newscaster Reports On...
- Fox News correspondent Greg Palkot was reporting live...
SWAT Team Raids Home to Take Toddler With High Fever...
- With guns drawn, a SWAT team raided an Arizona...
Taylor University's Silent Night Is Epic
- They go wild.
Team Manager Hits A Three In College Game
- Grant Kersey checked into the game and drove the crowd...
The Perfect Race Happened This Weekend If You Like...
- The 2018 Azerbaijan Grand Prix had something for...
LeBron Wrecks Lakers With an Otherworldly Pass
- Proof that he is nothing like us.
SWAT Storms High School Classroom and Arrests Student...
- After a Loch Raven student showed another student a...
News Team Tracks Down and Confronts Porch Pirates...
- Package thieves get a surprise visit from the local...
This Russian Hockey Goon Is Not The Person To F*ck With
- One crazy bastard takes on the whole team!
Watching These Smooth Brick Layers Work Is Your Moment...
- These guys sure are good at what they do.
Powderpuff Girls Football Team Pulls Off Sneaky Play
- The classic "Wrong Ball Trick". Works every time!
23 Social Media Fails That Made The Internet Facepalm
- You may lose a few brain cells while viewing, you've...
Spanish Twerk Team Kills It During Competition
- Who said dancing competitions had to be dull?
Guy Sinks A 100ft Chip Shot With Ease
- A great shot followed by some hilarious commentary.
Goalie Busted Sabotaging A Penalty Shot
- Cameras capture the goalie intentionally messing up...
This Ridiculous Play is Legal in Canadian Football
- They call that kick ball in most places.
Charles Barkley Thinks Budweiser Is The Strongest Beer...
- Apparently he is not a beer guy.
11 Fantasy Football Facts That'll Make You Rethink The...
- So, how's your team doing this year?
Football Team Gets Destroyed By Banner
- Nothing like getting defeated before you even get to...
Break Dance Team Destroys The Competition
- An impressive performance at the B-Boy World...
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