44 Unethical Life Hacks That Are Actually Kind of...
- When thinking outside the box gets you ahead in life.
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Idiot Biker Forgets That Cars Move Too, Gets Clipped
- In this video, a motorcyclist who was weaving through...
The Voicemail that Inspired Mike Judge to Create...
- An angry and confused viewer who seems to think...
TV Shows That Started Strong Then Crapped the Bed
- Most TV shows fall into two camps. There are shows...
Ridiculously Entitled Prius Driver Gets Pulled Over in...
- A woman going 16 over the speed limit has a meltdown...
Best '90s Terms That Completely Faded Away
- We love to revisit the past with some good,...
25 Lies Adults Like to Tell Kids
- We learn a lot about the world from our teachers. And...
Woman Steals Bystander's Car in Front of Police after...
- A man who stopped to help out a woman who crashed a...
Dud Russian Missile Crashes into the Street and...
- The uploader claims security cameras captured this one...
25 Naive Childhood Opinions That Adulthood Changes
- When you're young, it's easy to think you know...
25 Overused Phrases Filled with Cringe
- Most of us use certain clichéd words and phrases each...
25 Objectively Good Shows That Outstayed Their Welcome
- One of the reasons binge-watching is great is because...
25 SFW Phrases To Use in the Bedroom
- Sex and dirty talk go together like peanut butter and...
Florida Sheriff Doesn't Hold Back and Lets the Zingers...
- Sherriff Grady Judd doesn't mince words. Check out...
Ball Girl Tackles Fan, Sends Dude Head Over Heels
- Someone get this girl an NFL contract. The Dodgers'...
The Internet Investigates Joe Rogan's Claim That He's...
- The internet exposes Joe Rogan's Napoleon Complex by...
Dash Cam Captured the Moment Someone Tossed a Lit...
- Colin Kirby says he’s grateful to be alive after a...
Woman Solves Wheel of Fortune Puzzle and Wins a...
- On May 30th, Autumn Erhard became the second...
That's the Cutest Thing I've Seen In My Entire Life
- It's been two years since streamer Emme “Negaoryx”...
Guy Pulls a Gun on the Cart Narcs Dude over a Magnetic...
- This "cart narc" found himself on the wrong end of a...
Homeowner with Megaphone Serves Instant Karma To...
- Guy literally puts his neighbor on blast for not...
25 Iconic Castings That Almost Never Happened
- Imagine if Tom Cruise has starred in Iron Man instead...
38 Dank Memes That Show What Crazy Stuff Happened This...
- The wildest stuff that happened this year.
27 People Entitled Beyond Belief
- You can always count on entitled people staking their...
25 Knockoffs That Are Laughably Bad
- They're not even trying.
35 Pornhub Comments That Are a Real Riot
- Pornhub’s comment section is the chaotic neutral
Heidi Klum is the Queen of Halloween, 20 Years of Epic...
- The German Super Model is known for throwing lavish...
42 Dank Memes from All Over
- We've got the memes, alright.
People Laugh at Blake Lively's Photoshopped Shoes
- Blake Lively's feet steal the show when people notice...
Christopher Hitchens Agreed to Be Waterboarded to...
- He quit not more than a few seconds into it and wrote...
14 Cool and Incredibly Lucky Finds
- It's not everyday that you find a brand new computer...
Pregnant and Pissed Off Woman Crashes Her...
- Sounds like Anthony has some loose ends to tie up...
Boston Dynamics "Sand Flea" Robot Can Jump 30 Frickin'...
- Sand Flea is an 11-lb robot with one trick up its...
15 Interesting Photos from Our Fascinating World
- The world is such a huge place, it's no wonder there...
Drunk Dude Full-Sends It a Little too Hard and Totals...
- The driver hits a roundabout and goes airborne proving...
It's All In The Details: 27 Clever Advertisements and...
- Check out these interesting products and ideas that...
25 People Who Don't Know How To Panic Buy
- Some people know that you need non-perishable goods to...
24 Extra Large Versions of Random Things That Show...
- An interesting collection of some extra extra large...
43 Intriguing Photos that are Just Plain Fascinating
- The world is an amazing place full of all kinds of odd...
19 Questionable Life Hacks That Might Just Work in a...
- Don't confuse these pieces of "badvice" with actual...
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