Prisoner Attempts to Strangle Guard With Towel, Fellow...
- Clearly this is a guard who treated the prisoners with...
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Female Cyclist Serves Up Some Sweet Justice For...
- These scum bags had this coming! Sweet revenge!
Mexican Police Gun Down Cartel Leader "El H2" With...
- He was gunned down with 7 of his sicarios in the...
Dude Calls Classmate The "N" Word Then Runs For His...
- Warning: Language. This starts with a pretty scary...
Star Wars Episode VII - Deleted Scene Shows Chewbacca...
- Not sure why this Star Wars Episode VII Deleted Scene...
Man Throws His Cheating Girlfriend In The Trash
- A Russian man, after finding out his girlfriend was...
Murder Suspect Snitches On His Friend To Live News...
- This 16 year old didn't having any problem admitting...
Man Waiting On Train Violently Beaten By Black Cop
- A Houston police officer goes ballistic with his...
Crazy Shootout At Atlanta Gas Station
- Two men exchange gunfire after having some words in a...
CNN Edits Out Milwaukee Victim’s Sister Calling For...
- The sister of the recent Milwaukee police shooting...
Chicago Man Gunned Down While Live-streaming On...
- **Warning Extreme Violence** The victim of a shooting...
Guy Gives Chillest Interview Just After Being Shot
- Maybe it's just the pain meds.
Drunk Entitled Brat Gets In Wrong Uber, Refuses To Get...
- She's the type of person that treats waiters and...
Man Spared From Attempted Murder When Gun Jams
- Tulane Medical student jumps in to stop a robbery,...
Men Rescue Woman From Abusive Husband
- A battered woman is saved by two men in the parking...
Real Life Mortal Kombat Fatalities!
- **WARNING: Extreme fake gore and graphic violence!**
13 Baltimore Protest Pics You Haven't Seen
- The media coverage of the protest has a huge effect on...
They'll Never Show This On The News
- Many people could learn from this man.
Lying Cheerleader Tries To Get Boyfriend Arrested For...
- She tried to get away with lying about one of the...
The Lie We Live
- Exposing the truth about our world and what humanity...
Liam Neeson Prank Calls Maggie Grace's Ex
- Clearly dating Maggie Grace is hazardous to your...
Internet Responds To Radical Muslim Leader
- Choudary's statements got quite a reaction from the...
They Call Him "Ball Handles"
- Because he handles balls like LITERALLY no one else!
Ferguson Protesters Who Think White People Are The...
- A reporter on the streets of Ferguson asks what...
Driver Plows Through Ferguson Protesters
- A driver forces his way through the crowd by driving...
Accomplice To Murder - Social Experiment
- Would you assist someone in murder for $40. Some of...
#ViolenceIsViolence Campaign Shows Two Very Different...
- What happens when the public sees a woman abusing a...
A Collection Of Creepy Things
- 28 GIFs that are sure to creep you out and keep you up...
Man Stuffed His Girlfriend Down A Manhole
- Poor woman was stuck in the sewer for over 60 hours!
Is This A Case OfvPolice Brutality?
- Cassandra Feuerstein suffers broken bones in her face...
Ragdoll Achievement 2
- Shot, stab and explode a crash dummy to earn...
Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days In Jail
- Sentenced after playfully slapping his attorneys butt.
Is California Becoming A Police State?
- Officers kick down a door and taze the man filming...
Claycats: The Raid
- The Raid: Redemption parody.
Inmate Sucker Punches Lawyer
- After being sentenced to 15 years...
Racist Comedian Violently Attacked On Stage
- Comedian Brett Eidman is attacked by an angry audience...
Gangs Taking Their Violence Online Via Twitter
- You record the whole thang?
Gas Station Robbery Backfires
- The clerk at a Houston gas station gives two robbers a...
Subway Battle Beating
- An epic beat-down on a subway. Pasta was involved.
Soccer Player Puts Sleeper Hold on Ref
- Security is called to protect the ref.
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