25 People Share Their Strongest, and Most...
- What's a hill that you're willing to die on?
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Dudes Put a Jet Engine on a Tiny Truck
- Recently, there’s been a growing trend of people...
People Try to Leave Exploding Firework Stand, But It...
- That’s the thing about fireworks: They blow up.
Watch a Man Drop a Shopping Cart on a Power Line
- Warning: don’t do this.
Dude Builds a Homemade Fire Cannon with Just Two Water...
- With just a few items you can find around the house,...
Woman’s Attempt to Steal Amazon Package Isn’t...
- This is pathetic.
Kid Accidentally Body Slams Another Child WWE-Style
- Down for the count!
25 People About to Get Eaten by Real-Life Monsters
- Take a look and experience another reason to never...
Dude Trying to Work Out Gets Attacked By His...
- Thought you were jumping rope? Fat chance, you’re...
Man Confronts Drunk Driver Who Crashed, Then She...
- If you’re drunk driving, stop!
A Massive Goddamn 9-Foot Kangaroo Has Been Spotted
- Australians, watch out!
Man Trying to Take Photo With Cow Gets Mounted
- Looks like the cow was pretty happy to see him!
Woman Pops Balloon With Butt Firework
- This takes skill — and ass.
Woman Pops Balloon With Butt Firework
- This takes skill — and ass.
Trucker Tries Not to Let Anyone Pass, Flips His Truck...
- This is why you always let people pass.
This World Record Laser Light Show Will Definitely...
- This is definitely too many lasers.
Chris Hansen Told An Alleged Predator He Didn’t...
- Show me the lie!
Kid Definitely Just Using Football As An Excuse to...
- This kid’s not just in it for the love of the game.
Experience the Latest Innovation in VR: Drunk Driving
- VR lets you experience things you’d never be able to...
Cops Chasing Suspect Accidentally Hit Him With Their...
- The suspect has been stopped. And possibly killed.
Dude Dresses His Dog as a Spider, Scares the Shit Out...
- Halloween is just around the corner, which means...
Charlie Kirk Spots Aliens in the Sky, Doesn't Demand...
- Charlie Kirk shares video of possible UFO
28 Photos From the Great Molasses Flood of 1919, and...
- Pics from odd, and lesser known American man-made...
Drake, A 38-Year-Old Man, Hit an “uWu” for His...
- He’s really not beating those allegations.
Someone Flashed the Philly Portal
- Well, it was bound to happen eventually.
Another Truck Has Been Hit By a Train
- People, please — stop parking on train tracks!
A Kick Streamer and His Crew Got Rinsed in the Streets...
- Oh Johnny Somali, when will you ever learn?
75 Truly Fascinating Photos of Our Fascinating World
- See the world for the wonderful place it is.
20 Examples of Mankind’s Most Terrifying (and Some...
- Throughout our history, humans have come up with...
18 People Share the Most Bizarre Thing That’s Ever...
- From home alone scares, to inexplicable memories.
23 Relationships Memes to Mend Your Broken Heart
- Whether you're single, taken, or somewhere in between,...
22 Times Baseball Was Ruined ... By Snow
- The forecast predicts that LA will be having a nice...
Guide Dogs Lets Cars Hear It after They Almost Hit His...
- "Hey, my owner is walking here!"
Woman Uses Glowing Butt Plug to Help Direct Pedestrian...
- The year is 2024 and we still don't have flying cars,...
Dude Summons Goat With Modelos, Then Chugs One With Him
- Just two bros hanging out.
Man Tries to Avoid Traffic by Driving on Sidewalk,...
- Streets are for driving, sidewalks are for walking. Is...
River Cruise Passengers Duck After Raised Waters Put...
- These river cruise passengers got a scare after they...
Woman Trying to Stop Getting Towed Flips Her Car...
- If you know your car is about to get towed, there’s...
Driver Tries to Turn Completely Normal Intersection...
- Over in Australia, they love doing something called...
Dude Hilariously Narrates Fight Between His Cab Driver...
- Can you guys wrap this up? I’m running late!
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