Jeffrey Epstein Statue Appears In Albuquerque Mew...
- Reportedly the statue was erected and removed this...
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People Share The Most Crazy Sports Stats They Know Yet...
- Did you know that Wayne Gretzky was really good at...
25 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- Someone get these people a ladder and a net because...
31 Amusing Pics For Your Satisfaction
- Take a break from the day and enjoy a fresh batch of...
20 Fun Photos to Make You Doubt Your Eyes
- A cool collection of fun photos and tricky pictures...
People Who've Been in Comas Describe What It Was Like
- This is actually one of my biggest fears.
Restaurant Manager's 'Kill them With Kindness'...
- When dealing with difficult people, specifically the...
24 Cool Pics and Funny Memes to Waste Some Time With
- Stuff to entertain your brain.
49 Choice Pics to Satisfy the Little Voice in Your Head
- Fun photos to spice up your day.
34 Fascinating Photos and Cool Things You Rarely See
- Cool stuff from around the world.
Ken and Karen Get Meme'd After Confronting Protestors...
- In St Louis yesterday, as protestors made a their way...
15 Thrift Store Finds That Are Absolute Gems
- Thrift stores: they smell terrible and they're filled...
26 Funny Pics and Memes to Improve Your Mood
- Stuff to help you get through the day.
28 Things That Are Pretty Darn Cool
- Stuff you just don't see every day.
People Share Their Childhood Impressions of Wealth
- When you were a kid, what did you think it meant to be...
CBS News Report About the Karen Meme Is Hilarious
- CBS news devoted an entire segment to talking about...
Entitled Karen Who Refused to Eat Her Fajitas Without...
- The hashtag #18minuteswithoutcheese started trending...
37 Fantastic Randoms to Do Away with Your Boredom
- Some choice pics for your day.
Old Black and White Photographs Brought to Life With...
- When reimagining the past with color, remember that...
35 Fresh Pics and Funny Memes to Improve Your Mood
- Stuff to click away your boredom with.
Neighbor Loses Her Mind Because Guy Mowed Flowers in...
- Guy has an unsettling encounter with a "Karen"...
Pizza Girl Shares Stories From Some of Her Weirdest...
- Being a pizza delivery driver can be a pretty weird...
28 Fascinating Photos from around the World
- Like a bootleg version of "Planet Earth" with no...
Cheryl Thinks Her Husband Got Chlamydia From Wearing A...
- This is not how sexually transmitted diseases work...
Karen Attempts to Expose Barista Who Wouldn't Serve...
- He's just doing his job, Karen.
Expensive Mistakes That Cost an Arm and a Leg
- Expensive mistakes and accident that cost these people...
Funny Mixture of 22 Old and New Memes To Pass The Time
- Memes of all ages can be found here. If you like memes...
Wild Bike Ride Lets You Vicariously Poop Your Pants
- This may be the only time a GoPro was used effectively.
Former Health Insurance Exec 'Comes Clean' For the Lie...
- It is long past the time for American to have a...
Is It Easier to Do Push-Ups When You Don't Have Legs?
- Huh, hadn't seen that before.
Computer Scientist Reverse Engineered Tiktok and Found...
- And if this doesn't make your skin crawl, we aren't...
14 Movies That Had Cleverly Hidden Details That Most...
- Things that are really hard to spot if you don’t...
65 Funny Memes and Fresh Pics to Get the Weekend...
- Another long week is slowly coming to an end, but the...
Testing a $35,000 Bomb Suit against One Grenade
- All product reviews should be as straightforward as...
Boston Dynamics Robo-Dog Seen Sniffing Around SpaceX...
- Video of the $70,000 Boston Dynamics Robot Spot,...
The Ultimate Compilation of Low Flying Jets
- Permission to buzz the crowd granted! Check out these...
25 Interesting Info-graphs to Help You Make Sense of...
- Check out this informative collection of info-graphs...
Man With Lifelong 'Lisp' Discovers He Just Learned the...
- Better late than never I suppose.
Another Horribly Restored Painting Becomes the Joke of...
- Would you believe us if we told you that this wasn't...
"They Shrank His Shoulders" Becomes a Copy Pasta After...
- Is this a ploy by the liberals to make men weak and...
eBaum's Picks