Adam Sandler and the Safdie Brothers Quietly Made a...
- Watch a short Sandler made alongside Uncut Gems for...
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Anthony Davis' Insane 360 No-Scope Shot that Didn't...
- He shot it after the buzzer, but this LA Laker's shot...
Good Samaritan Shocks Bank Employees When He Turns in...
- Employees were shocked when a good Samaritan found and...
Miami Police Captain Javier Ortiz Identifies as a...
- This whole exchange is like something out of a bad...
Incredible Bowls Shot Leaves Crowd and Announcers...
- This is a very satisfying bowls.
College Basketball Players Brawl Towards the Stands at...
- The Kansas State vs Kansas game was about to finish...
Mr. Peanut Is Dead, May God Bless His Soul
- Mr Peanut was an evil man who sent millions of his own...
'President Trump is a Mighty Man' Might Be the...
- No matter what political side you're on, this is...
Aggressive Rooster Named "Kyle" Attacks Its Owner
- Kyle the Rooster doesn't respect his owner, but it's...
Dude Rages After His Low-Ball Offer is Soundly Rejected
- A nerd attempting to buy Warhammer 40k figures for his...
Hunter and Vegan Go Toe-to-Toe and It's Actually Quite...
- If only all discourse was this cordial. Steven Rinella...
The Coronavirus Has Made Its Way To America
- The Coronavirus has decided to takes it talents to the...
Audience Member Casually Gives Up His Identity on Conan
- Comedian Kyle Ayers tricks an audience member into...
Tim Tebow Has Officially Had The SEX
- Tim Tebow recently got married and you know what that...
58 Cool Pics and Memes for Exquisite Minds
- Press "pause" on your day and take a minute to enjoy...
How To Push Grandpa Over The Edge
- Grandpa begins to rage as he tries his hardest to pay...
Entitled 'Journalist' Slammed For Calling The Police...
- She wouldn't sell this blue check mark douche the...
Father Tackles Son’s Opponent After Illegal Move at...
- Dad doesn't want his boy getting injured! Barry Lee...
Brad Pitt Jokes About Quentin Tarantino's Foot Fetish
- If you've ever seen a Quentin Tarantino film, which we...
Colliding Cars Nearly End the Lives of a Few...
- From Tula, Russia: There was an attempt for an SUV to...
More Photos From The Gun-Rights Rally In Richmond...
- It's a wild scene today in the capital of Virginia, a...
Scenes From The Pro Gun Rally In Richmond Virginia
- 2A protestors have descended on Richmond Virginia...
Dude Realizes He Just Got Caught Cheating on Camera
- Here's hoping your wife wasn't watching the game,...
Animal Rights Activist Thought She Could Go Toe to Toe...
- Andrew Shultz's crowd work is unparalleled and this...
Roller Bladder Flying Down the Street Gets Taken Out...
- This dude was cruising down the street filming with a...
Wendy Williams Tries and Fails to Sneak Out a Fart...
- Hey Wendy, you better go check your pants, because...
22 Hilarious DnD Memes To Share With Your Party
- Why DnD? Cause it has the best parties!
28 Comments That Hit Like a Punch to the Gut
- There is nowhere you can hide from a well-crafted...
Girlfriend is Not Impressed By Her Guy's New Ride
- "My girlfriend drove 6 hours to see me for the weekend...
Nonchalant Compilation of 33 Remarkable Images
- A decadent display of random internet images. These...
A Breakdown of the Cheesecake Factory's Hellish Design...
- The Cheesecake Factory is the love child of chaos and...
Hot Mic Catches Warren Accosting Sanders After The Dem...
- "Did you call me a liar on national TV?"
The Internet Has Found A Time Traveler In The Office
- Were not saying this is legit but it looks pretty...
Wendy Williams Gets No Respect After Apologizing For...
- After making fun of Joaquin Phoenix's 'cleft lip'...
Adorable Baby Chimp Loves His Doggo Pal
- Cuteness overload.
Petty Fight Over a Parking Spot Gets Everyone in...
- This dude knows that revenge is a dish best served...
Virginia Declares State of Emergency After Armed...
- Governor Ralph Northam has declared a state of...
Icy Disaster Narrowly Avoided by a Cursing Trucker
- A trucker was headed to Bend, Oregon when two trucks...
The Emasculation of Prince Harry in Six Pictures
- Is it gay to have a hot a** wife now? Dammit.
Last Night's Democrat Debate Was an Absolute Dumpster...
- CNN didn't even try to hide their bias in last night's...
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