Woman Tries To Shame Man For Proposing In A KFC And It...
- Some big brands are now offering to pay for their...
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Incredible Photos of Celebrities Side-By-Side With...
- Amazing work by Ard Gelinck.
Guy Shoots At Cobra Twice But Only Manages To Piss Her...
- This deadly cobra attacked after dodging two bullets...
37 Photos Captured With Perfect Timing
- It's all about being in the right place at the right...
Senators Speech on Gun Violence Is Interrupted By News...
- Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut was talking...
Flat Earther Claims To Have "Disproven" Gravity
- These Flat Earth phonies need to knock it off, this is...
Mysterious, Echoing Howl a Hunter Heard Has Us Freaked...
- YouTuber Sturgill Blackstar explains "Me, my wife and...
Dude Explains How His Dad Got Out of So Many Speeding...
- A Canadian sign loophole meant this guy's father could...
Grey Whale Swims Directly Beneath A Crowded Lineup of...
- Whale I'll be.
People with Rare and Interesting Genetic Anomalies
- Genes work in mysterious ways.
Terrible Mother Behind the Twisted YouTube Channel...
- Machelle Hobson, the mother charged with abusing her...
Money in the Bank: 19 Autographed Items and How Much...
- You never know how much will an autograph from your...
Ladder Crossing on Mt. Everest is a Big Ol' Cup of...
- Yeah, that's gonna be a hard pass from me, dawg.
Woman Demands A Refund From A Burger King That's On...
- This is what we call a final form Karen. How do we...
Waking Up In A Bathtub After A Long Night of Drinking
- Hey give this guy and his one night stand some privacy.
Chilean Protestors Take Down Police Drone Using Lasers
- In defiance over social inequality, protestors in...
People React To Hillary Clinton Saying "Many People...
- Hillary is getting some flake for saying she's been...
Prototype iPhone Is Too Good To Be True
- What do you think about this concept iPhone?
Comedian Asks Albino To Prove He's Black By Saying The...
- This Andrew Schulz shows got a little bit wild in...
Little Person Disguised as a Kid Gets Thrown Off The...
- Wow, this is the bets video I have seen in years.
Buff Chinese Doctor Is The Real-Life Chun-Li
- Yuan Herong, a 30-year-old medical doctor from China...
Awkwardness Ensues After Alabama Student Says,...
- If you think Jeffrey Epstein broke his own neck while...
Sword Fighting Robots Put Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots To...
- If this is where the future is heading, then sign me...
Devin Langford Talks About Surviving The Mormon Ambush...
- Devin Langford hid his siblings during the attack and...
Guy Finds A Group Of Cats Tweaking Out In His Car
- What are these cats doing? Because we have no idea.
Beggar Gets Owned After Asking For Someone To Pay For...
- Shameless woman asked for money and got shot down...
Cal Fire Demonstrates What Fire Retardant Will Do To...
- Watch what happens when fire retardant is dropped on...
Reddit Users Share the Most Bizarre Facts They Know
- If someone asked you how you knew these things you'd...
Good Morning Britain Discusses The Need To Ban...
- This conversation looks at how clapping isn't...
Sharon Stone Laughs Nervously After Elton John She...
- Judging by her reactions, Sharon Stone is definitely...
Monday Morning Randomness - 2k19 Edition #13
- Start your week with a fresh batch of what's best in...
Talented Dad Pulls Off The Impossible Jenga Move
- When faced with a tricky single brick layer, the...
Terrifying Fish Has The Face of a Human
- This rarely photographed specimen was recently spotted...
CIA Document Claims Life on Mars Was Observed in 1984
- Back in the 80's the CIA was conducting experiments...
Leah Remini Explains How She Found Out About Xenu in...
- In her sit down with Joe Rogan on his podcast, Leah...
Cat Hailed as Hero For Saving Toddler From Falling...
- A Colombian kitty named Gatubela is being hailed as a...
36 Things That Have Drastically Changed Over The Past...
- As we approach the end of a decade, let us take a...
Australian Body Modification Star Went Blind After...
- Yeah in hindsight, maybe doing that wasn't the best...
Australian Body Modification Star Went Blind After...
- Yeah in hindsight, maybe doing that wasn't the best...
Alt-Right's "No Masturbation" Rule May Be Part of Why...
- Many notable alt-right groups such as the Proud Boys...
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