RIP To a Legend: 28 Wild Jerry Springer Moments in His...
- Legendary talk show host and former Mayor of...
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The Biggest Accidents and Worst Injuries on MythBusters
- The cast and crew of MythBusters did all kinds of wild...
10 Fictional Characters Who Wholeheartedly Did Not...
- Maybe it was lazy writing, maybe there was no other...
20 Fictional Characters Who Would Totally Have an...
- OnlyFans is seemingly the way to go these days. If...
'Nuts! That Goddamn Line': Film and TV Bloopers From...
- Thanks to the YouTube channel World of History, we now...
Man Watching ‘The Office’ on Delta Flight Has No...
- Flying first class definitely has its perks. Unless of...
18 Small Details in Animated Movies Most People Missed
- Sharp-eyed viewers spotted these.
Behind-the-Scene Tidbits About Movies and Television
- @funEman_ sure as hell got an answer as his post...
All the Best Dirty Jokes Slipped Into Disney Channel...
- Say what you want about Disney, but they have some...
Where Are They Now? The 6 Most Notable 'To Catch a...
- These men found themselves on nationally syndicated ...
‘Teletubbies’ Conspiracy Theorizes a Bulgarian...
- The children's show which first aired 26 years ago on...
Optimus Prime Just Nabbed a Kids' Choice Award That...
- Let's hope Optimus Prime isn't weird around kids!
Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 Disappearance, What...
- 'MH370 The Plane That Disappeared' is now available to...
The Undertaker Talks 'Hell In a Cell' vs. Mankind
- "In my eyes, I'm looking down at a dead guy."
‘She Hurt Him More Than He Hurt Me’: Chris Rock...
- Are we all happy now? He did it. Chris Rock said the...
‘F*** It I’m Watching Buffy’: Man Saves His...
- As Jeff Goldblum once said, "Life uhh, finds a way."...
Sad Loser Insults Emilia Clarke and Faces the Full...
- When the sorry loser Jon Miller decided to tweet this...
25 Older Films That Are Still Awesome to Watch
- There is no shortage of new movies coming out. From...
30 Famous Movie and TV Locations and How They Look...
- Most of us have probably at some point wanted to...
The Saudi Arabian 'Office' Is Exactly the Same as the...
- If you haven't seen 'The Office', no worries. We'll be...
Twitter Ranks the 20 Most Racist Looking Animated...
- This bunch definitely have some thoughts they keep to...
20 Toxic Main Characters We Were Tricked Into...
- In hindsight, maybe these characters weren't as good...
20 Fan Theories about Our Favorite Shows and Movies...
- From tiny details that we may have missed, to...
24 Beloved Kids’ Movies That We Forgot Existed
- As children, it feels like most of us watched the same...
Pissed-off Tennis Star Doesn’t Break One, Not Two,...
- Tennis can be a frustrating sport. Even for the...
AI 'Seinfeld' Banned From Twitch after Making...
- The 24-hour AI created Seinfeld show Nothing, Forever...
Ben Affleck Had a Terrible Time at the Grammys
- Ben Affleck is too relatable. Sure the guy has...
Pedro Pascal as Dystopian Mario is 'SNL' at Its Finest
- If you haven't grabbed your ticket for the Pedro...
Pedro Pascal Took an Ambien and Forgot He'd Landed...
- Pascal took the sleeping pill to help him with a quick...
Dr. Phil Ending after 21 Seasons, Here are 3 Times He...
- All good things (and thankfully bad ones too) must...
Logan Paul is Damn Good at Professional Wrestling
- Say what you will about Logan Paul. He's obviously a...
Check Out This Pianist Turning the ‘Whooper,...
- If you haven't seen the latest Burger King commercial...
Someone Let a Juicy Fart Rip on The View But No One is...
- During a discussion about Pence, Biden, Trump and...
Twitter Doesn’t Appreciate ‘Family Guy’ Jab at...
- An old episode of 'Family Guy' has the internet...
'MTV Pimped My Ride and I Hate My Car': Woman Exposes...
- When Yaz announced that she was going to be on MTV's...
'MILF Manor' Has Very Much Delivered on Its Concept
- MILF Manor is here, whether you're ready for it or not.
Leslie Jones Agrees: MLK Statue Looks Like He's Eating...
- When the 10 million dollar Martin Luther King Jr....
‘I Am Your Cool Slutty Daddy’: Pedro Pascal...
- Pedro Pascal sees your thirsty tweets and mentions,...
'That's Dennis Reynolds': Blue Ranger Gets Meme'd...
- The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers television series...
Iron Deficiency Man? Robert Downey Jr’s New Prestige...
- Robert Downey Jr. was recently spotted in full costume...
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