A Streamer Locked Themselves in Complete Darkness Alone for a Month
Surely there’s a better way to get attention than this.
The streamer “Norme” is speedrunning the complete destruction of his body. Earlier this year, he attracted controversy after announcing that he would be attempting to break the world record for staying awake without sleeping; by the time he finished, he had been awake for over 11 days.
Now, he’s taken on another challenge: being alone in complete darkness for 30 days straight.
On his YouTube channel, he’s documented the entirety of his experience, which ranges from boring videos of himself sleeping to him losing his mind entirely and ripping out drywall.
While it appears the police came and called off the stream, Norme is still up to his same old antics, recently posting a video where he attempts to break the world record for the longest time spent on the toilet.
YouTube Streamer "Norme" is attempting to stay in solitary for a FULL MONTH with no light
— yoxic (@yoxics) November 6, 2024
he has been in there for 3 weeks and is starting to go insanepic.twitter.com/Gye1M3Si8a