Armored MMA is Totally Unnecessary But We’re Still Watching It

I mean, why not, right?

By Braden Bjella

Published 8 months ago in Ftw

I mean, why not, right? If you’re going to have Power Slap and a variety of other stupid fighting competitions, you might as well get medieval and set up some dudes in armor. The result is the uncreatively named “armored MMA,” where guys do MMA in armor. See? I told you the name wasn’t creative.

As armor limits your movement, you’re not going to get the impressive BJJ moves you might need in normal MMA. Instead, you can expect to see a lot of hacking, slashing, and dudes giving themselves heatstroke from trying to suplex someone while wearing 45 pounds of armor. I’m not going to lie, it’s still pretty fun.

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