Congressional Baseball Game Anything but Friendly Competition

The Democrats lost to the Republicans by a score of 10-0.

By zachnading

Published 2 years ago in Funny

The Democrats lost to the Republicans by a score of 10-0.

Who else was unaware that the Congressional Baseball Game was even a thing? Apparently it was started back in 1909, but at this point it just kinda feels like watch dad hit mom at the dinner table.

All in all, it's a baseball game. Friendly competition right? Nah. And things got fairly chippy in last night's iteration of the game. California Congresswoman Linda Sanchez hit a single, and as she was coming out for a pinch runner she tossed up the middle finger in the direction of the entire republican bench.

A sign of poor sportsmanship, no doubt but in the spirit of this intense rivalry is anyone surprised? Again, not a good look when your team goes on to get trounced 10-0.

I'm genuinely curious, can fans buy tickets to this thing? Can you buy merch or apparel? This is the weirdest, most intriguing thing we've done as a country and I need to know everything about it.
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Man Correctly Predicts Insane Truck Accident

Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one who learned that day.

By Shape_Grifter

Published 2 years ago in Facepalm

Physics is an important and often overlooked subject; sure, most of us have a pretty good idea of how matter works. Things that go up (usually) come down. Things that go fast can really hurt if they hit you. And things that are big are generally hard to stop once they get moving. You don't need to be a theoretical physicist to understand these basic principles and apply them to everyday life.

And, when you don't, the results can be downright disastrous. One south African trucker learned this basic fact of life the hard way when he decided against slowing down atop an infamous hill in South Africa. Our cameraman comments on the major f**k-up he sees unfolding before him and follows the truck -- right up to the fateful climax.

While it's hard to say if he saw it coming -- the cameraman remains rather tight-lipped about this matter -- it's certain that there's a lesson to be learned for anyone on the road.
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