Costco Thieves Run Right Out the Back Door and Straight Into Seattle PD

Seattle police arrested some thieves who they say were trying steal "in bulk" from Costco. Seattle police put an end to the shoplifting spree...

By Peter Pizagalli

Published 1 year ago in Facepalm

All was not well that ended in a trip to the slammer for a group of thieves who tried and failed to make a getaway after stealing "in bulk" from Costco as the thieves left through the back door and walked right into a trap set by the Seattle police department. 

At around 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, loss-prevention officers noticed the would-be thieves making a break for it and called for backup. That backup can be seen here simply waiting for the thieves to walk into their trap. 

You know what they say, work smarter, not harder. It's also probably safe to say this will be the easiest arrest these officers ever make. 

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