Legendary Sniper Shoots Gun Out of Suicidal Man's Hand
- Back in 1993, swat sniper and Vietnam veteran Mike...
Media videos
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The Zuck Offers Roger Waters Big Money for Pink Floyd...
- How far removed from reality do you have to be to...
Padres Fan Catches Foul Ball One-Handed, Holds Baby in...
- Is there anything moms can't do? This dedicated San...
Prince Makes Maria Bartiromo's Professionalism...
- Prince was so smooth, he'd make butter jealous.
Bike Thief is Served Some Instant Karma by Original...
- This thief got a double-dollop of justice when the guy...
DIY Dad Goes All-Out For Daughter's 8th Birthday...
- Somebody better get this man a damn Rolls Royce for...
Senior Couple Kills Karaoke Night With Kelly Rowland's...
- This is #relationshipgoals and #retirementgoals rolled...
The Time a SR71 Blackbird Called Los Angeles For a...
- A wiseguy pilot trolls other aircraft in the vicinity...
Doorbell Cam Captures Two Very Different Deliveries...
- A FedEx employee walks up and just drops the packages...
Airline Passengers Take Control and Subdue Attempted...
- Delta flight from LAX Diverted after flight crew and...
Professional Tailor Shows How to Fold Dress Shirts...
- This is the way.
Thief on the Run Gets Taken Out By a Customer's...
- A quick-thinking man lends a hand and flips a chair...
Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains His Skepticism over UFOs
- A clip from the JRE podcast where Joe and Neil talk...
The Time a Father Beat a Child Molester Senseless...
- A father came home and found his son being molested by...
What's Behind All the New Trollface Memes?
- All the old memes are making a comeback this year.
Gymnast's Life Reaches Apex Moment
- So flawless the guy himself looked shocked.
Wild Water Fountain Gets Every, Single, Animal
- Behold the great equalizer.
Reporter Covering Dognapping Story Spots and Catches...
- What are the odds?
Slow Motion Steven Wright Knuckleball Is Pure Sorcery
- Steven Wright has the dirtiest knuckleball we've ever...
Airline Worker Deploys Evacuation Slide and the Rest...
- This is an older video, but if you've ever wondered...
Heroic Dog Rescues Best Friend
- After her smaller, tinier canine friend fell into the...
Good Samaritan Saves a Life Rushing Two Men to the...
- Good Samaritan rushes 2 men to Chicago hospital after...
The Story of Smudge From the "Woman Yelling at a Cat"...
- We know you love cat memes. Now learn the story behind...
Man Dual-Wields Firework Blasters to Badass...
- How can one, single idea contain so much awesomeness?
The Pittsburgh Steelers' New Punter is an Absolute Unit
- Pressley Harvin III was drafted by the Steelers in the...
Guy Builds A Shrimp Trap Using Primitive Technology
- Further proof that you can live off the grid if you...
Man Plucks Seagull Out of Air While Eating McDonalds
- The seagulls will simply return with even more...
Dave Chappelle Tells Joe Rogan How He Walked Away From...
- Despite years of naysayers claiming he'd ruined his...
This is What A $70,000 RC Jet Looks Like
- This L-39C XXXL by Tomahawk Aviation is amazing,...
The Best of Elon Musk on SNL
- First-time host Elon Musk talks about why he loves...
Man Learns his Colt Revolver is Worth $195,000 on...
- The revolver, which was bought 40 years ago for £150,...
Dude Reacts to Rejection Like a True King
- This is how you handle rejection with absolute class.
The BEST MEMES From April 2021
- 2021 just seems to be flying by and with another month...
The "CEO of Trade Offers" Explains His Viral Meme
- Content creator and streamer Bradeazy is the man...
Little Leaguer Gives Us All the Feels with Home Run...
- Owen Hoag, an 8-year-old ball player from Wichita...
A Star Wars and GoT Crossover Made of Pure Awesomeness...
- This awesomeness-drenched lightsaber-VFX of one of the...
Entitled Kid With Anger Issues Tries to Intimidate His...
- Oh MY GOD. This kid is the poster child of what being...
Miss Rafferty's Close Encounters of the Third Kind -...
- Three people who experienced an alien abduction talk...
Hack for Fitting Something Into a Wrong-Sized Box...
- What kind of sorcery is this??
Violet and Dave Grohl Kill Cover of 'Nausea' on Kimmel
- Pretty sure we'll be buying Violet Grohl records...
eBaum's Picks