This Old Lady Returning a Shopping Cart in a Hurricane...
- A crazy freak storm blew in as this seventy-year-old...
Media videos
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An Entire Factory Walked Off the Job After Two...
- A manufacturing plant shuts down for the day after all...
Dude Soaring Through the Air Means the Future is Here
- Turbojet hover board master Franky Zapata took to the...
Heroes Lift Car off Trapped Man at Demolition Derby
- A vehicle had smashed into a barrier tipping it...
When a Freestyle Session Turns into a Complete Song
- A segment from "Sway in the morning" where a Snoop...
Virgin Galactic's VSS Unity Hopes to be the Future of...
- Virgin Galactic conducted a 3rd test of VSS Unity, a...
Kids Return Wallet with $700 in It
- Faith in humanity restored.
These Drivers Stopped a Road Raging Jerk in His Tracks
- This guy was brake checking drivers on the road. When...
Cyclist Reaches World Record Speeds While Riding
- It took 4-years to break this world speed record. They...
Incredible Timelapse of the Milky Way Will Make You...
- Photographer James Piper planned his trip to Yosemite...
This Insane Mobility Scooter Will Make You Wish You...
- This is what happens when you put eighty horses of...
Worker Incredibly Saves a Child as He Falls 4-Stories
- Watch the top left corner of the video. A small child...
Australian Warship Destroyer Intercepts a Fishing Boat
- The guys from Bad Boys Crew enter a restricted...
McDonalds Employee Spills All the Dirt Over a Hot Mic
- A drive thru customer got an earful from a McDonald's...
Jumping from a Helicopter to Shoot Targets Looks Badass
- Copy Text Talk about extreme sports. Matt Pinnell and...
Guy Solves the "Impossible" Level 10 Lotus Puzzle
- A metal box puzzle called the "lotus puzzle" where the...
Chinook Pilot Puts His Badass Skills On Display During...
- A pilot with exceptional skills drops in to save a...
Miami Dade Police Forced To Return Nearly 20K They...
- Miami-Dade Police are on the hook for $19934, plus...
Truck Full of Poop Puts out a Raging Fire
- That truck driver is having a sh*tty day!
Will Sasso Does a Hilarious Alex Jones and Jesse...
- This guy is just as talented as he is funny!
Woman With Concealed Carry Permit Saves Her Co-Worker...
- This man thought his order was taking too long, so he...
Motorcycle Hero Helps Man Running After Bus
- Help your fellow man!
Scammers Get 38 Computers Ruined After Attempting to...
- After trying to steal his payment information, this...
This Truck Going Horizontal While Climbing Over a Rock...
- This is a technical obstacle on one of Colorado's most...
Racist Kid Wearing Confederate Flag Sweatshirt Is...
- The kid was yelling racist profanities at this lady....
The Sound When This Toyota Hybrid Race Car Switches...
- It sounds like the beginning of a heavy metal song, or...
Adorable Police Dog In Training Practices His CPR...
- Dogs truly are the greatest animals on the planet.
Girl Skaters Bomb Steep Winding Road
- Nice view.
Hot Girl Gets Pranked By Boyfriend Over and Over Again
- A beautiful blonde falls victim to the ruthless pranks...
This Girl Is The Most Talented Subway Performer You'll...
- She has the most beautiful voice for a street...
Cruel And Easy Public Bathroom Prank To Pull Off
- A super simple prank that is sure to satisfy.
Man Saves a Family of Tree Swallows With One Well...
- Who knew Sparrows were such savage little bastards. ...
Cussin' Pastor Advises Women About Their Precious...
- Keep your pussy right, ladies!
Real Robots Programmed to Play 'Ace of Spades' by...
- And it's mechanically precise.
Sign Language Lady Gives Her All for Eminem
- This chick goes apeshit trying to keep up with Eminem.
When Two Vortex Rings Collide - Smarter Every Day
- Awesome slow-motion footage of two vortex rings...
Van Demonstrates a Clever way to Avoid Tolls
- This is awesome. Go go gadget license plate.
Slow Motion Magnet Collisions Look Like Iron Man...
- Hypnotic footage of magnets colliding at 1000 frames...
Young Teen Jiu-Jitsu Competitor Embarrasses Older...
- Well that's a wrap... I mean a tap!
Girl Takes Down Confederate Flag in Philly and...
- She wasn't having that shit.
eBaum's Picks