Painfully Accurate: Bitcoin Price Graph Put Through a...
- As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror...
Media videos
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Witch Hoping To Curse Justice Kavanaugh Speaks Out
- A coven of 'Witches' gathers in Brooklyn, New York to...
That Jimmy Kimmel "Candy Prank" Is Borderline Child...
- It's a lighthearted prank, similar to what DaddyoFive...
Guys Make Jogger Believe He's Losing His Mind With...
- How to prank 101: Confuse don’t abuse.
The Most Savage Roasts and Hilarious Comebacks From...
- Comedy professionals get down and dirty with each...
16-Year-Old African-American Girl Thinks She's White
- 'When it comes to black people, I think they’re all...
And The Award For Best Costume Goes To...
- This MadTV inspired (Stuart and his mom) costume...
Guy Flips Off Police Officers and Crashes Trying To...
- The guy almost got away from them.
Spanish TV Street Interview About Robbery Takes a Dark...
- Hello darkness, my old friend...
Hilarious Video Exposes the Nut Milk Industry
- I'm sure everyone here knows how to milk their nuts.
Lakers Fan Makes Half-Court Shot To Win $30,000 and...
- A local fan was lucky enough to take a half-court shot...
Little Kid Can't Handle What Haunted House Throws at...
- Kid could not handle the spooky scene. The dad however...
Weed Shop Worker Beats Off Four Bear-Mace Wielding...
- Legendary employee fights off four robbers with...
Dog Getting Marshmallows Stuffed in Its Mouth Will...
- "Chunky Monkey" is a dog of many talents, and...
Cornell Professor Throws a Hissy Fit When He Hears a...
- Now Professor Talbert can use his very own digital...
DeMarcus Cousins Hilarious Reaction To a Crazy Fan
- His face says it all.
Guy Standing Near Train Gets Slapped By Passenger
- That's why you don't stand to close to train!
Daughter Thinks She's Going to Stab Her Dad's Hand...
- This dad in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania played a trick on...
Twitch Streamer With Tourettes Hilariously Attempts To...
- She's cute and funny and she knows it. **Warning:...
Guy Makes a Hilarious Video About Self-Serving Youtube...
- He "accidentally" filmed himself being a good person.
Drunk Girl Tries To Start a Fight
- Never forget kids, no one wins with a headbutt.
Rapper Getting Arrested Keeps Trying To Film His Music...
- When you got a good shot, you take it!
This Cat Says ABSOLUTELY NO to a Bath
- This little fella hangs on for dear life
Dad Captures a Hilarious Moment With His Banana Loving...
- Oh, sweet Jesus, give me more nanners!
This Hilarious Montage Explains Why Women Take So Long...
- This helps answer the age old question, WHAT ARE THEY...
Children's Toy Sounds Demonic
- This guy in Russia bought a children's toy that plays...
Rooftop Sofa Move Ends With a Hilarious Disaster
- A couple of guys trying to help move a sofa from the...
Post Malone Goes in Disguise to Prank People
- Post Malone goes undercover as an aspiring hip-hop...
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Season 11 & 12...
- "The Gang Does 11 and 12 The Hard Way"
Badass Ex-Army Major Apprehends Knife-Wielding Thief
- A knife-wielding car thief attempting to leave a...
Drunk Guy Scales Huge Bridge To Avoid Police
- Good Grief, do they not have liquor stores over there?
What Happen's When Your Wheel Falls Off When You Are...
- Hint: It doesn't end well.
This is How You Get Banned from IHOP
- A group of guys make a sweet syrupy lip sync a the...
Comedian Has a Brutal Take on Roe V. Wade
- Dan Rosen @smelltherosen walks you through something...
Boston Dynamics' Robot "Spot" dances to Bruno Mars'...
- At least when the hostile robot takeover happens, it...
Dude Narrating His Wife's Labor Like a Nature...
- This man in Murrieta, California decided he would try...
Guy Absolutely Gets Ravaged By The Laws of Physics
- I've heard of a bad post, but this is ridiculous!
Crack Lady Tries To Escape Police Car
- Using only the power of crack and an unwavering...
SNL Roasts Kanye's Visit To The White House
- Saturday Night Live's cold open this week was a roast...
Check Out This Incredible Roadside Water Park
- These dudes thought it would be fun to stand on the...
eBaum's Picks