Girls Visiting Humpty Dumpty Statue Suddenly Learn the Lesson of the Story

Somebody call all the King’s horses and all the King’s men!

By Braden Bjella

Published 3 months ago in Funny

Somebody call all the King’s horses and all the King’s men!

Humpty Dumpty is a classic nursery rhyme that teaches children not to sit on walls. At least, I think that’s what the message was. Honestly, who’s to say what any of those nursery rhymes are supposed to teach us — it’s more than likely that these things were invented because parents of yore needed a way to distract their children and get them to quiet down. Now, we have iPads for that! Yay!

Still, people remember the story of Humpty Dumpty. In fact, they’ve even built statues of him — statues that, as these girls learned, are surprisingly easy to fall off.

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