Group of People Gather to Watch Lions Mating, and It’s Really Awkward

Well…now you know what a lion sounds like when it busts.

By Braden Bjella

Published 4 months ago in Funny

Well, now you know what a lion sounds like when it busts.

At the end of the day, we’re all mammals. We breathe, we sleep, we eat — no matter how different we believe ourselves to be, we’re all just oxygen-craving weirdos hanging out on this strange place we call Earth.

And yes, sometimes, we bang. And if we’re lions, we make the strangest sounds possible.

Proving that “busting, then rolling over and paying no attention to your partner” isn’t unique to painted-nail dudes in Brooklyn, these lions get it on in front of a group of strangers, climax and then go about their separate lives.

Hey, they’re just like us!

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