Husband Quickly Regrets Letting His Wife Drive the Tractor

He shouldn't have been in the back like that either.

By figgyPudding

Published 2 years ago in Funny

This guy decided that he wanted to teach his wife to drive a tractor, a noble endeavor to be sure, but quickly learned the hard way that he might have made a mistake. Standing in the back perhaps wasn't the greatest idea either, although enjoying the wind while holding his beer had to feel great for a few fleeting moments.

Once his wife learns how to really step on it however, things go haywire quickly as it seems she doesn't know how to slow down as well as she can speed up. A few nasty bumps later and her husband is flying out of his back perch like someone on the bottom of a seesaw that's been jumped on. Well, she definitely knows how to drive the tractor now at least. Will she ever drive it again though? That's a question that might need some time to be answered. In the meantime, let's just hope he's ok.
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Group of Paratroopers Make the Worst Entrance of All Time

Behold the worst paratroop team of all time.

By figgyPudding

Published 2 years ago in Funny

These paratroopers staged quite possible the worst collective stadium entrance of all time, as all four of them managed to land everywhere except the giant soccer field they were aiming for. Capping it off by slamming into a porta potty, this quartet knew how to hammer home their metaphor of a true crappy landing.

While the video source claims this clip is from celebrations on Ugandan independence day, many people seem quite skeptical that this video comes from Uganda, with one user on Reddit claiming with confidence that these troopers are in fact from Honduras. No matter where they're from, they could definitely use with a bit more practice, especially when it comes to stadium landings. While some gusty wind certainly played a role in the crashes, (you can see the parachutes distort), somehow that never seems to be a problem when other troops make their landings. At least it gave us a pretty hilarious video.
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