Hot Girl Left Flabbergasted After Dude Rejects Her Advances
He gave her the "You'll be ok, pull yourself together" hug and bounced!
By damn_nation_inc
Published 5 years ago in Funny
So proud of this man for staying strong
— Guy (@apiecebyguy) November 30, 2019
Dog-Walking Karen Confronts a UPS Delivery Man in Head-to-Toe Uniform
A suspicious woman holds her phone in the face of a man just trying to do his job. "Keep it Cool Mannie" is employed as a seasonal driver for UPS.
By RiverboatRon
Published 5 years ago in Facepalm
I kept my cool. I only got the last 18 seconds of this encounter. Mind you, I was in a complete from head to toe uniform. I’ve seen videos in Twitter and never thought this would happen to me.
— Keep it Cool Mannie (@sopmaCinnam) December 10, 2019
Dog-Walking Karen Confronts a UPS Delivery Man in Head-to-Toe Uniform
A suspicious woman holds her phone in the face of a man just trying to do his job. "Keep it Cool Mannie" is employed as a seasonal driver for UPS.
By RiverboatRon
Published 5 years ago in Facepalm
I kept my cool. I only got the last 18 seconds of this encounter. Mind you, I was in a complete from head to toe uniform. I’ve seen videos in Twitter and never thought this would happen to me.
— Keep it Cool Mannie (@sopmaCinnam) December 10, 2019