
Job Interviewers Say They Keep Getting Applications and Interviews from A.I. Bots

A.I. isn’t just for writing your cover letters anymore; now, it’s trying to take your whole job.

Last year, several videos started going around of people in the middle of job interviews, inputting all of the questions into ChatGPT, then offering them as their own answers. Amazingly, this idea is now a whole industry, with numerous programs existing for the sole purpose of helping applicants nail interviews.

While one can debate the ethics of this (you can also debate the ethics of making applicants retype their entire resume after uploading it!), the fact that these programs exist at all shows that the job interview process is likely going to be changing dramatically.

Why? Because it seems like interviewers are now having a problem of not only A.I. generated answers, but A.I. generated people.

In this video from Vidoc Security Lab, they show one of their job interviews in progress. However, something is off about the applicant; according to the company, their answers felt like they were being generated by ChatGPT, and their face, to put it simply, didn’t look right.

And so, the interviewer asked if the applicant could wave his hand in front of his face, a move that’s known to confuse current A.I. models. The interviewee refused, leading the interviewer to believe that he was either talking to a straight-up A.I., or someone who was using an A.I. to conceal who they really were.

The wild part? The company says that this is the second time something like this has happened to them — and, judging by how things are going, it certainly won’t be the last.

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