Kid Taking Batting Practice (Purposefully) Hits Coach in the Nuts
We're gonna go ahead and speculate that this was done on purpose. You can argue all you want about bat speed and size, but this kid's laugh is absolutely demonic.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
We're gonna go ahead and speculate that this was done on purpose. You can argue all you want about bat speed and size, but this kid's laugh is absolutely demonic.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with a little soft toss batting practice to get ready for a game. But I'm speaking as a man who has been hit in the nuts more times than I wish to remember, wear a cup! I'm talking to you, coach. This is one of the most vulnerable positions you're in as a molder of young minds and you're not worried about injury? Come on, man.
As you would expect, the batter is a bit late to the ball (but also kind of takes aim) and nails his coach where the sun doesn't shine. That would be funny enough as is, but the hellish laugh that the kid gives to the camera proves there was something a bit more malicious going on.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with a little soft toss batting practice to get ready for a game. But I'm speaking as a man who has been hit in the nuts more times than I wish to remember, wear a cup! I'm talking to you, coach. This is one of the most vulnerable positions you're in as a molder of young minds and you're not worried about injury? Come on, man.
As you would expect, the batter is a bit late to the ball (but also kind of takes aim) and nails his coach where the sun doesn't shine. That would be funny enough as is, but the hellish laugh that the kid gives to the camera proves there was something a bit more malicious going on.