Lost McDonalds Training Video is Trippy as Hell

In this almost-lost 1983 video tape produced for McDonalds, you see what seems like an acid-fueled mashup of the muppets and the McDonalds menu,...

By Shape_Grifter

Published 3 years ago in Funny

In this almost-lost 1983 videotape produced for McDonald's, you see what seems like an acid-fueled mashup of the muppets and the McDonalds menu, complete with fully scripted and voice-acted characters based on popular food items. To think of how many stoned teenagers tripped out on this video back in the '80s is enough to give me a cross-high.

What makes it especially wonderful is just how much you'd think today's Mickey D's executives would want this video tape to stay lost. In the video, we see the personified McNugget make a series of race jokes related to sauce which definitely wouldn't fly in today's climate before delving into a long session explaining to stoned teenagers how best to cook them. The whole thing is weird, trippy and pairs well with a bowl of unspeakable dankness.
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