M134 Minigun Rips Car to Shreds, Fires 6000 Rounds per Minute
The M134 Minigun is a six-barrel rotary machine gun that can fire anywhere from 2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute. Add a tracer and you have one of the most badass weapons on the planet.
Published 8 months ago in Ftw
The M134 Minigun is a six-barrel rotary machine gun that can fire anywhere from 2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute. Add a tracer and you have one of the most badass weapons on the planet.
Thanks to the YouTube page, Columbia War Machine we get a first-hand glimpse at these guns in action. We can look at this two ways; either it's making a really strong case for owning a Jeep, or "Hey, this gun is pretty f*cking sick."
For those wondering why the windshield is still mostly intact, or acting like this video is fake I'll just say this... You try controlling an 85lb machine gun and see how good your aim is.
The M134 Mini Gun with tracers looks like something straight from a sci-fi movie while demolishing this Jeep. It can fire upto 6000 rounds a minute. pic.twitter.com/6iqhY3BxCO
— H0W_THlNGS_W0RK (@HowThingsWork_) February 28, 2023