Man Embarrasses Daughters With Their Own Slang at the Drive-Thru

Slang is, by its very nature, generational.

By Braden Bjella

Published 7 months ago in Funny

Slang is, by its very nature, generational. If you’re a young dude, chances are you’re not going to understand what the hell your parents are talking about when they say they’re “getting jiggy with it.” Conversely, if you’re an old person who regularly uses the word “bussin,” for the sake of everyone, you need to stop immediately.

That’s why it can be so jarring — and embarrassing — to hear slang being used by the people for whom it was not developed. This dude tried out some of his kids’ slang in front of them while ordering at a drive-thru, and let me tell you, they really, really hated it.

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Post-BBL Surgery Transit Ain’t the Prettiest

If you get surgery, you need someone to take you there and back.

By Braden Bjella

Published 7 months ago in Eww

If you get surgery, you need someone to take you there and back. Seems simple enough — but what if you don’t want to get blood all over your Civic? Or, what if the fascists working at Uber insist that you can’t let puss spill all over a newly-cleaned interior? I don’t want to be doing this either, but I have to get home to see how bad the new Star Wars show is!

In that case, you might want to call this woman. Dubbing herself the chauffeur of the “BBL Taxi,” this woman will lay out some pads and take you home from your surgery. She’ll also film it and post it online for reasons I cannot begin to understand. Who wouldn’t want to use her services after seeing videos like these?

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