Man Violently Flips His Car, Somehow Walks Away Just Fine

You might still want to go to the doctor, buddy.

By Braden Bjella

Published 4 months ago in Ouch

You might still want to go to the doctor, buddy.

If you see a vehicle that’s been totally destroyed in a wreck, you probably think that the driver was probably lost with the car. In many cases, this makes sense — you’re telling me that this car lost its whole top but not its driver? I call bullshit.

However, there are always a few random, miraculous cases in which drivers experience major accidents, but walk away just fine. Recently, there was an incredible case in Russia where someone did just that. Despite flipping his car and slicing it to ribbons, he managed to emerge basically unscathed.

Here’s what that looked like:

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Dudes Shoot Wasp-Filled Spitball at Their Friend

It’s always good to learn that your friends are assholes.

By Braden Bjella

Published 4 months ago in Funny

It’s always good to learn that your friends are assholes.

When you’re a kid, the idea of a “spitball” is pretty ubiquitous, even if you never saw one in the wild. For some reason, kids of yore had an obsession with balling up a slip of paper, soaking it with saliva, then shooting it at others (this is also the time when lead paint was prominent, so we can’t judge them for many of their decisions).

Even though spitballs made a lasting impact on the media, you don’t really see them much in the modern day. Instead, what we’re seeing now is much, much crueler — wasps launched through straws.


♬ original sound - Brett Everhart
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