Mike Myers’ Bodyguard Says He Was Fired for Making Eye Contact...with Mike Myers

Aside from the problematic and blatant cultural appropriation of the 2008 Mike Myers' 'comedy' The Love Guru, Myers was apparently a total d-bag on set.

By zachnading

Published 1 year ago in Facepalm

Aside from the problematic and blatant cultural appropriation of the 2008 Mike Myers' 'comedy' The Love Guru, Myers was apparently a total d-bag on set.

In a recent interview, radio host Jay Brody shared his experience working for the SNL alum as his personal security guard. However, before accepting the position, Brody was made aware that he was in no way supposed to make eye contact with Myers. Excuse me?

Just to recap, the personal security guard for an actor is not allowed to make eye contact with said person he is protecting? Got it. Brody accepted the position. Having no idea what Myers would look like in his Guru garb, Brody's job became infinitely more difficult. You can probably guess where this is going.

Upon Myers' arrival on set, Brody had no choice but to do a quick take (which included a head nod) to make sure he and Myers were on the same page. Within an hour, Brody was fired.
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