Norwegian Woman Belly Flops at Every Height From 1 to 24 Meters High
Some of those felt too close for comfort.
Published 1 year ago in Ftw
Bellyflopping is an art; and one that a Norwegian woman named Asbjørg Nesje has mastered. Well, not bellyflopping exactly. Asbjørg is a world champion death diver, a sport where you jump from exceedingly high heights belly first into the water. It's not bellyflopping, as a last second fold technique allows divers to perform tricks, and hit the water front first without taking too much damage.
Showcasing the skill, Asbjørg posted a video of herself diving from every height between one, and 24 meters. For us Americans, that's almost 79 feet up in the air.
"Some of those felt too close for comfort," postfuturepast commented.
"She's professional," another viewer responded. "She knows whats she's doing."
Asbjørg is the current reigning world champion, and has travelled around the world to jump from the highest and most beautiful cliffs. She has even given a TEDx talk about her experiences, and how to perform without fear.
Judging by this video and the rest of her accomplishments, fear of death is not something Asbjørg has ever had while diving.