Old Couple Struggles With Their Lines For TV Commercial

After several failed attempts and his wife saying they should let her do it, she fails as well.

By Andrew Cunningham

Published 2 years ago in Funny

if you have ever been in a play, musical, commercial, tv show, or movie, then you have probably experienced the challenge of memorizing a script or even just your own lines. Sure it seems easy enough but once you are on the spot and it's time to deliver them, your mind can go blank and you can completely forget everything you were about to say.

This elderly couple was filming a commercial for a local restaurant called Dysart's Restaurant in Bangor Maine. The husband clearly was struggling to remember and deliver his lines during attempt after hilarious attempt. His wife seems to get the most frustrated out of everyone and at one point even says "you should have had me do it". The producer has them swap roles and when it comes time for her to belt out the line she has the same funny brainfart as her husband.

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